
A helper tool for Touhou Spell Bubble modding. See help of mod_tool for detailed usages.

Build Deps

  • Rust toolchain
  • .NET SDK 7 (the dotnet.exe executable must be present in %PATH%)


git submodule --init --recursive
# Build enum_generator
cargo build --bin enum_generator
# Generate enums.rs
./target/debug/enum_generator <PATH_TO_classdata.tpk> <PATH_TO_share_data> src/map/enums.rs
# Build project
cargo build --release
  • enums.rs needs to be updated alongside the game if you want to use music IDs introduced in game updates.
  • classdata.tpk can be downloaded from AssetsTools.NET releases.
  • share_data is located in /Data/StreamingAssets/Switch inside the game RomFS.
