"Astra DB" Power Query connector

A PowerQuery connector to access tables in Astra DB, backed by the REST API.

Usage instructions

This is an abridged form of the more detailed guide published on Awesome Astra. Please head over to that article for in-depth guidance.

The following instructions cover usage in PowerBI Desktop and PowerBI Service, the latter backed by a (personal-mode) On-premises Data Gateway. Being a Power Query connector, it can actually be used with any of the products supporting this technology.

The current status of this connector is: beta self-signed. The certification process is underway (and will make it possible to use the connector directly in Power BI Service, without a Data Gateway).

Get in touch

This repo is the preferred place for feature requests, bug reports and miscellaneous discussion concerning the connector. Please go to the "Issues" section and open an Issue. Pull requests will be happily examined as well.

PowerBI Desktop

(More details in the Awesome Astra article about the connector.)

Obtain the latest PQX file from the releases page and place the file in (your equivalent for) C:\Users\USER\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors

At the moment this is a self-signed connector, so you can either list the certificate thumbprint as "trusted" in your system (recommended) or alternatively enable untrusted extensions in PowerBI.

Trusted certificate thumbprint

To mark the thumbprint as trusted, the steps are outlined at this link:

  • Open regedit as admin;
  • Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop, creating it if absent;
  • In this key, create a multi-string (REG_MULTI_SZ) entry named TrustedCertificateThumbprints;
  • The value must be a newline-separated string (right-click, Modify to edit as text), each with a trusted thumbprint;
  • Enter the thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the connector releases:

Enable untrusted connectors

Note: you don't need to do this if you marked the thumbprint as trusted as per the instructions above.

Alternatively, if you don't have access to regedit, you can lower the security level of PowerBI Desktop as outlined here:

File => Options and Settings => Options => Security => in "Data Extensions", choose Allow any data extension to load without validation or warning. Then restart PowerBI Desktop.

Using the connector

Now you can start PowerBI Desktop, choose "Get Data", search for the "Astra DB" connector and select it.

You will be asked for the connection details: database ID and region.

Next, you will provide the "Database Token" (the string starting with AstraCS:...) as credentials.

At the very least, these are the permissions required for a token to work with this connector:

  • The token must have, in Table Permissions, (1) Select Table and (2) Describe Table, and in API Access also (3) REST;
  • It is OK if the token has access limited to just the one DB that is being used;
  • If the token is disallowed on certain keyspaces, they will show up as empty in the connector's resulting navigation table.

For more on Astra DB Tokens, see here.

Once the token credentials is provided, you will be able to browse keyspaces and the tables contained therein.

PowerBI Service

(More details in the Awesome Astra article about the connector.)

Note: usage in PowerBI Service requires having completed the PowerBI Desktop setup first.

As this is still a self-signed connector and is just now undergoing the certification process, for the time being you will need to rely on a Data Gateway: see here for more instructions on how to install it in your on-premises machine(s) in "personal mode".

The Gateway should find the connectors in the same directory as PowerBI Desktop. Make sure you are logged in with your cloud account both on PowerBI Desktop and the Gateway.

Now create a report with PowerBI Desktop, then save it (locally) and choose, in the "File" menu, "Publish" => "Publish to PowerBI". Pick your preferred destination workspace.

After the publishing succeeds, you can log in to your PowerBI Service account and you will find your report there. You will have to enter the credentials again once (do that by triggering a data source refresh and checking the data source settings afterwards).

More information can be found here.

Information for developers

See the README for developers.