Easy SSL pinning validation and reporting for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS.
- 1
Invalid Domain for Non TLD.
#333 opened by sreekanthrad - 0
3.0.5 broken for mac due to UIKit usage
#338 opened by jacky-tunnelbear - 0
#334 opened by Screwwaka84 - 1
- 0
Changing the configuration after initialization
#335 opened by murad1981 - 2
unable to build Trustkit
#324 opened by anushshenoy - 0
TrustKit is not working
#330 opened by PawanEnp - 4
Crash at ssl_pin_verifier.m - Line 43
#307 opened by JuhaO81 - 0
- 0
Error with TrustKit after update
#327 opened by paulocoutinhox - 4
- 1
TrustKitDynamic is not building
#316 opened by snake302 - 4
Crash at getCertificateAtIndex
#308 opened by satenderDagar - 3
_SecTrustCopyCertificateChain getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS
#317 opened by aymather - 1
TrustKit crash only in production environment
#320 opened by devsachinsingh - 1
[Bug] No longer working
#321 opened by quaos - 0
If switch the calendar on your phone to the Japanese calendar, it may cause a date format error.
#322 opened by LuckyRoc - 0
VisionOS support
#318 opened by medabida - 2
IOS17 support Trust Kit Crash (iphone15 physical)
#314 opened by LeoAnt02 - 0
TrustKit initialisation fully blocks the main thread in NotificationServiceExtension if its attempted before first unlock.
#315 opened by CaioSym - 0
Crash in TrustKit initWithConfiguration:sharedContainerIdentifier:isSingleton:
#313 opened by JuhaO81 - 0
Crash when app is restarted
#312 opened by crashoverride777 - 0
Error when try build for Mac Catalyst
#311 opened by paulocoutinhox - 4
Xcode 14.1 warning: This method should not be called on the main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness.
#289 opened by JuhaO81 - 0
Random crash - TrustKit was not initialized
#306 opened by TomBentz - 3
build error on ios libTrustKit_Static.a
#305 opened by R0LLeX - 2
Trustkit not building on Xcode 14.3
#298 opened by Sjenk - 1
[Feature] Add Apple Silicon / XCFramework support
#282 opened by hokstuff - 0
Build warning bitcode is enabled.
#301 opened by markph0204 - 1
TSKBackgroundReporter cost a lot time(62.94ms)。 TSKBackgroundReporter can be optional?
#290 opened by songzhiming - 1
Crashlytics: ssl_pin_verifier.m line 43
#283 opened by siddew201 - 2
No visible @interface for 'TSKSPKIHashCache' declares the selector 'getPublicKeyDataFromCertificate_legacy_ios:'
#288 opened by rad-chomik - 2
I am getting issue domain is not pinned
#293 opened by ankitkumarg1 - 2
Support for iOS 12 & 13 needed
#295 opened by JuhaO81 - 1
Alamofire 5 integration
#286 opened by Anandsetty - 1
- 0
Crash in TrustKit.m - Line 146 -[TrustKit initWithConfiguration:sharedContainerIdentifier:isSingleton:] + 146
#274 opened by granhokain - 1
Local network pinning
#279 opened by VladIacobIonut - 0
How to disable check root certificate
#281 opened by Ulan4eg - 0
expired certificate isuue
#278 opened by ujwala10 - 0
Crash at [TSKNSURLConnectionDelegateProxy swizzleNSURLConnectionConstructors:] TSKNSURLConnectionDelegateProxy.m:103
#285 opened by emarashliev - 0
Expected error codes
#280 opened by blwinters - 0
Pinning .io domains
#277 opened by akhiljay - 0
#275 opened by RaffaeleCerullo - 1
Veracode flags completionHandler(NSURLSessionAuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling, nil); as a security violation
#264 opened by cesar-cmt - 1
TrustKit React Native Archive Issue
#267 opened by codearraydev - 0
AppDelegate.m error while building: Use of undeclared identifier '_trustKitConfig'
#271 opened by realtril - 0
- 0
How to get a backup SSL pin?
#270 opened by realtril - 1
#266 opened by jorgisimo90