
Code for exploring and visualizing NLRB case data

Primary LanguagePython



Install dependencies

For Mac or Linux systems, all you should need is Python3. Then, you can run the following:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You can call your virtual environment something else, but the ./venv/ directory is already gitignored for this repo.

Set up the DB (optional)

This project uses SQLite by default, which requires no additional setup, but if you want to use PostgreSQL, you will need to do the following:

  1. Set up a local PostgreSQL database (actual setup will depend on your OS).
  2. Start PostgreSQL and create the nlrb_data database: postgres=# create database nlrb_data;
  3. Set up a user and make it the owner of the nlrb_data database:
    • postgres=# CREATE USER nlrb WITH PASSWORD 'badpassword'; (change the password)
    • postgres=# ALTER DATABASE nlrb_data OWNER TO nlrb;
  4. Rename db_config-example.py to db_config.py and add your DB username, host, and password.

Run data cleaning and table creation tasks

  1. Download desired CSV(s) from the NLRB case search website and move them to the date/case_files directory.
  2. Change to the tasks directory: $ cd nlrb_data/tasks
  3. cd into each task subdirectory in numerical order and run make in each:
    • $ cd 00_ingest; make (creates the cases_raw table)
    • $ cd 01_cases; make (cleans data from the cases_raw table and inserts into the cases table)
    • $ cd 02_error_log; make (creates the error_log table)
    • $ cd 03_allegations; make (parses raw allegations text for each cases in the cases table and creates the allegations table)