My goals for this project

  1. Show popular songs popularity over each decade

  2. Compare popular and unpopular songs in each different subclass, loudness, danceability, energy, instrumentalness, acousticness, valence, speechiness, tempo, key and liveness

This first plot shows the inevitable rise of popularity in the past decade

first plot

This plot shows every song in each year side by side comparison

second plot

This plot shows the number 1 song each year and shows the overall positive growth in the more recent years

third plot

Analysis files

The code for this is split into two R Markdown files:

  • set_up_data.Rmd gets the data from Spotify, cleans it and preps it for analysis.

  • plot_data.Rmd Takes the data from set_up_data.Rmd and plots it.

  • data This folder has the data that is from spotify and that has been cleaned.


The results of this analysis is that I found that song popularities do increase through out the 90s on into the 2000s I also found that theres no difference in each subclass so that means that unpopular songs try to copy or remix popular tracks