
Datatrans Payment Button integration (Apple Pay, Google Pay)

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Datatrans Payment Button

Render Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons for payments via Datatrans. Buttons are only rendered if the client supports any of the mentioned payment methods.

Usage example

  merchantId: '1100002476',
  merchantName: 'Test',
  useGooglePay: false,
  useApplePay: false,
  auto: true,
  allowedCardNetworks: ['AMEX', 'DISCOVER', 'MASTERCARD', 'VISA'],
  googlePayConfiguration: {
    buttonType: 'long',
    buttonStyle: 'black',
    merchantId: '01234567890123456789'
  applePayConfiguration: {
    buttonType: 'plain',
    buttonStyle: 'black'

PaymentButton.on('init', function () {
	$('.console-content').append('init event dispatched <br>')
	PaymentButton.create(document.getElementById('paybutton'), payment)

PaymentButton.on('create', function () {
  $('.console-content').append('create event dispatched <br>')

PaymentButton.on('authorization', function (response) {
  $('.console-content').append('authorization response:' + '<br>' + response + '<br>')

PaymentButton.on('abort', function () {
  $('.console-content').append('Payment request aborted' + '<br>')

PaymentButton.on('error', function (error) {
  $('.console-content').append('Error:' + JSON.stringify(error) + '<br>')

PaymentButton.on('unsupported', function () {
  $('.console-content').append('Payment method not supported in this browser <br>')


The following events can be subscribed to:

  • initialized - emitted when the library was initialized
  • created - emitted when all buttons were rendered
  • authorization - emitted when the authorization process has completed
  • abort - emitted when the payment request was aborted
  • error - emitted when an error happens
  • unsupported - emitted when no payment method is supported by the client