
👀 Develop and deploy self-sovereign, storage-based DApp over Meteor computer

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Create Meteor App


This repository contains command-line tool and other convenient user-friendly package for developers to build a meteor app.


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A command-line tool enable developers to init a meteor app project and deploy to Dataverse OS.

pnpm install -g create-meteor-app

After installation, use --help to see more features.

meteor --help

This command-line tool is the entry point for interacting with Dataverse OS. Developers who want to access the powerful features of Dataverse OS need to install it.


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When developers run in a existing meteor app.

meteor deploy

output/app.json will be generated locally, which contains various detailed information about this deployed app.

In the data structure of this JSON, some properties such as modelId may have nested levels, so the model-parser package is needed to facilitate developers in retrieving key information from output/app.json.

This package will be automatically included in package dependencies of the inited(meteor init <app>) meteor app project.


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This is a client for retrieving Meteor DApp information, creating Meteor DApps, and updating Meteor DApps. The main exposed methods are as follows:

  • getFileSystemModels
  • getDapp
  • getDapps
  • createDapp
  • updateDapp