
Cont is a compiled statically-typed object oriented concatenative programming language written in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Cont is a compiled statically-typed concatenative programming language, that has elements of OOP, is written in Python and is inspired by Porth.

Where did the name come from

From word concatinative. How have I come up with that specific word? I just mixed beginning of that word and tried to come up with something, that sounds good.

Quick Start

You can learn the language by using the "Learn cont" manual

$ python3 -V
 Python >=3.10

$ git clone https://github.com/farkon00/cont.git
$ cd cont

# Install fasm with your package manager, nodejs and wabt (https://github.com/WebAssembly/wabt) for testing wasm
$ sudo apt install fasm nodejs wabt
$ python3 -m pip install pytest
$ pytest test.py

$ python3 cont.py <source_code>.cn -r


You can find more examples in tests or examples folders or in the standard library source, which can be found in std.

Hello world

include std.cn

"Hello, world!" println

Fibonacci Numbers

include std.cn

0 print 1 print

0 1 48 
while dup 0 > do
  bind prev2 prev num:
    prev2 prev +
    dup print
    num 1 -


Memories aren't recommended to use, because they don't have type safety in most cases you will want to use variables.

include std.cn

memory a 16 // Global memory of size 16 bytes

12 a ! // Write 12 to first 8 bytes a
a @ print // Read value of first 8 bytes of a
76 a 8 ptr+ !8 // Write 76 to 9th byte of a
a 8 ptr+ @ print // Read 8 bytes from a+8

proc local:
  memory b 8 // Local memory of size 8 bytes
  2123 b !8 // Write 2123 to first byte of b(there will be overflow)
  b @ print // Read first 8 bytes of b


include std.cn

const coords_len 69 end

struct Vector2
  int x
  int y

init var coords [coords_len] Vector2 // Create array of Vector2 with size coodrs_len and init all of the pointers to the structure 

42 68 coords [] !.x // Write 42 into x of 69th element of array
420 12 coords [] !.x // Write 420 into x of 13th element of array
68 coords [] .x print // Read x of 69th element of array
12 coords [] .x print // Read x of 13th element of array
4 2 Vector2 23 coords *[] ! // Writes new Vector in 24th array element


Structures technically support OOP in cont. It doesn't have some really advanced features like interfaces or generics, but there is movement in that direction like dunder methods or static methods.

struct Vector2
  int x
  int y

struct (Vector2) Vector3
  int z

// If you use named procedure owner of the method will be binded to self
nproc [Vector2] 3diffy -> Vector3:
  self.x self.y 0

42 69 Vector2 .3diffy // Call a 3diffy on newly created vector
.x print // Print x field of return value of 3diffy
// Btw you can call 3diffy on Vector3