**TODO Currently can't change programs without commandline arg
git clone https://github.com/excludedBittern8/ahd_cross_seed
cd ahd_cross_seed
A Virtual environment is recommended. Please Make sure you are on python3 and NOT python 2
On macOS and Linux:
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
On Windows:
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
On Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
On Windows: python3 -m venv venv or py -m venv venv
On Linux:
./venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
On Windows:
venv\Scripts\pip3.exe install -r requirements.txt
On Linux /venv/bin/python3
on Windows venv\Scripts\python
A config file is highly recommended. There are two easy ways to create one
- run the program in interactive mode(please see below)
- copy or rename example.config to ahd_cross.txt. It must be in the same folder. Fill it out with your values
Please start here for a general overview of how to run this program.
ahd_cross.py scan [arguments]
scan a directory will write the paths to a txt document required --txt this is where the txt file will be saved --root at least one root is needed
--delete ; -d This will delete the txt file otherwise the file is just appeneded
--exclude ; -e Exclude certain types of videos from being added to txt file blu=encode,remux=remux,web=web-dl or web-rip orweb,tv=hdtv,other=badly named files
--ignored ; -i this folder will be ignored completly, appends to .fdignore, so this should only need to be done once.
--fd fd program location
ahd_cross.py grab [arguments]
grab downloads using a list of the directories/files. Files can be generated manually or with this programs scanning function. If Scanning please note that
[Must pick at least 1]
--torrent ; -t this is where matching files will be saved
--output ; -o
--txt find files in folders, searches for possible cross seeds
--api ; -a your passkey key
--date restrict downloads only newer then this amount of days, should be an int
--exclude ; -e For any directory this type of file will not be checked for possible cross seeds
--fd fd program location
--wget wget program location
ahd_cross.py missing [arguments]
Will scan a directory and find any file that hasn't been uploaded to AHD. That also has a free slot on AHD. Any encode that hasn't been uploaded will be added required --missingtxt write paths to this txt file --api ; -a your passkey key
--exclude <source_excluded>... For any directory this type of file will not be checked for possible cross seeds
--fd fd program location
ahd_cross.py [arguments]
or ahd_cross.py interactive [arguments]
Start a gui version of the program
A more in-depth overview of some of the argument that can be passed to the program
If you want to use your own fd file use this argument is is for convience and to make running the program easier The reason you might want to do this is that this program will provide an version of fd.T his is for convience and to make running the program easier But it is not guaranted to be the newest/most optimized version.
Their are numerous reason for errors. Somes Python just can't get the size of a file if it is moutned. Other times AHD has network issues, and the api won't work. We try to skip over these errors and move onto the next file. If for some reason something happens. We have the errors file which is created when the program starts, and is updated until it ends.
Running this everyday would be excessive especially on a large library. I would recommend using a scheduler. Linux has cron(not a big fan), jobber, cronicle. Windows has the task scheduler. With any you used be able to set the program to run every week
Config is recommend to set a base. With that you only need to call -c [config file path] However, any commandline option you pick will overide the config option
ahd_cross.py scan [arguments]
You need to generate a list of files and Directories. The output is controled by either
- --txt in the commandline or
- txt: in the config file
Ignore is used by fd to find what directories to disregard. Ignore folders will never be added as a directory during a scan. However sub-folders of a ignore folder be added if the ignore folder is chosen as root. If we chose a file to be ignored, then since we can't cd into a file that file will always be ignored.
This folder(s) will be scan much the same as the ls or dir command. So every file or directory will be added to the scanning list. As they appear in the directory chosen.
Note: If you have a sonnar or raddar file please check these repos out [placeholder]
ahd_cross.py grab [arguments]
You will need to provide a txt file of directories/folders. Either generated manually or with the scan command
When the grabber sees a folder in the txt list. It will start a folder scan. This should normally only apply to TV folders A folder scan will scan every type of file i.e web-dl web-rip individually. The size calculated will be based on that type of file. This goes down to the resolution so
- WEB-Dl 1080p
- WEB-DL 2160p will both be consider to be two different release. However if you had
- Framestor 1080p Remux
- Epislon 1080p Remux in the same folder. That could lead to issues as now the sescond type of matching would not work. As the size match would be off
File scans are much the same as folder scan. If the information matches then the torrent is downloaded or output to file. However the check is based on the path on the txt file
ahd_cross.py missing [arguments]
You need to generate a txt file for output. Controlled by either
- --missingtxt in the commandline or
- missingtxt: in the config file
How it works is if for example we have a avengers remux, and the site has no avengers remux uploaded, then that will be written to the misstxt file. Also if we have an encode that has not been upload. Even if an encode already exist your encode will be added to the list. The result is that one will now have an easy to use list of potential files to upload