Posmoni Ruby Client


Installing via rubygems:

gem 'posmoni', '~> 0.0.6'


$ rails generate posmoni:install


First configure your project key:

require 'posmoni'

Posmoni.project_key = YOUR_PROJECT_KEY


There are 3 methods available in moderation class (create, all, find_by). Each method returns a response of type Posmoni::Response, which has two attributes, body and code. You can simply access response's body by calling .body


require 'posmoni'

Posmoni.project_key = YOUR_PROJECT_KEY
params = {
  data: data,
  postback_url: postback_url,
  postback_method: postback_method,
  custom_id: custom_id,
  info: {
    type: {
      value: "driver_license"
    dob: {
      value: "1991/11/28"

data could be text or image's url depends on your project's template.


Field Type Required Description
data string Yes URL of image
postback_url string No URL for answer callback once image has been checked
postback_method string No Configuration HTTP method GET POST PUT PATCH
custom_id string No Custom ID that used for search


response = Posmoni.moderation.create(
  data: YOUR_DATA,
  custom_id: 'custom-id-1'

puts response.body

You will receive response like below, once you created moderation successfully.

  "data" => {
    "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
    "type" => "moderation",
    "attributes" => {
      "custom_id" => "data-1",
      "data" => YOUR_DATA,
      "postback" => false,
      "postback_url" => YOUR_POSTBACK_URL,
      "postback_method" => YOUR_POSTBACK_METHOD,
      "answer" => nil,
      "created_at" => "2019-10-31T17:04:14.540+07:00",
      "processed_at" => nil,
      "status" => "unprocessed",
      "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
      "project_template" => YOUR_PROJECT_TEMPLATE,
      "project_id" => YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  "meta" => {
    "code" => 201,
    "message" => "Created"


Method all is used to retrieve all of your moderations

require  'posmoni'

Posmoni.project_key = YOUR_PROJECT_KEY


Field Type Required Description
sort_by string No Sorting field (default: id)
sort_direction string No Sorting direction (default: desc)
page string No Number of page (default: 1)
per_page string No Number of item per page (default: 10)


  "data" => [
      "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
      "type" => "moderation",
      "attributes" => {
        "custom_id" => "data-1",
        "data" => YOUR_DATA,
        "postback" => false,
        "postback_url" => YOUR_POSTBACK_URL,
        "postback_method" => YOUR_POSTBACK_METHOD,
        "answer" => "approved",
        "project_template" => YOUR_PROJECT_TEMPLATE,
        "created_at" => "2019-10-31T17:15:15.302+07:00",
        "processed_at" => "2019-10-31T17:16:15.814+07:00",
        "status" => "processed",
        "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
        "project_template" => YOUR_PROJECT_TEMPLATE,
        "project_id" => YOUR_PROJECT_ID,
  "meta" => {
    "code" => 200,
    "message" => "OK"

Fields result and processed_at will be present when your data was successfully processed.

Find by

Method find_by is used to find a particular moderation. You can use either its ID or Custom ID. This method will return only moderation with fully matched ID.

require 'posmoni'

Posmoni.project_key = YOUR_PROJECT_KEY
id = 'data-1' # or use an ID from creation response (example: '5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf')
Posmoni.moderation.find_by(id: id)


Field Type Required Description
id string Yes ID or Custom ID of a moderation


  "data" => {
    "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
    "type" => "moderation",
    "attributes" => {
      "custom_id" => "tp-1",
      "data" => YOUR_DATA,
      "postback" => false,
      "postback_url" => YOUR_POSTBACK_URL,
      "postback_method" => YOUR_POSTBACK_METHOD,
      "answer" => "approved",
      "project_template" => YOUR_PROJECT_TEMPLATE,
      "created_at" => "2019-10-31T17:04:14.540+07:00",
      "processed_at" => "2019-10-31T17:05:16.243+07:00",
      "status" => "processed",
      "id" => "5dbab19ebbadfc32kefb56bf",
      "project_template" => YOUR_PROJECT_TEMPLATE,
      "project_id" => YOUR_PROJECT_ID,
  "meta" => {
    "code" => 200,
    "message" => "OK"