
api for the notepad application

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Api for the notepad application

You can deploy the notepad application yourself. See the live example



Set up

First, clone the repo. Copy the .env.example file to .env (which will be ignored by Git):

cp .env.example .env

Configuring Database

  1. Go to the MongoDB Atlas Console and create a new database
  2. Get to database uri and paste this in your .env file

Configuring JWT

  1. Define a secret key and enter in your .env file

Configuring Test Process

  1. Define test user mail and password and enter it into your .env file


Run Your Project

In the project folder, run:

npm install

npm start


Route HTTP Verb POST body Header Description
/notes GET Empty x-access-token=token List all notes.
/notes POST {'content':'foo'} x-access-token=token Create a new note.
/notes/:id GET Empty x-access-token=token Get a note.
/notes/:id PUT {'content':'bar'} x-access-token=token Update a note with new info.
/notes/:id DELETE Empty x-access-token=token Delete a note.


Route HTTP Verb POST body Description
/user/register POST {'mail' : 'test@test.com', 'password' : 'password','fullname' : 'Name Surname'} Create a new user.
/user/login POST {'mail' : 'test@test.com', 'password' : 'password'} Login user and generate a token.