Access to the ESIOS data, the Spanish electricity market entity, in python 3 (python 2.7 might work but it is not supported)
This API is made to make it painless to access the market published data.
First you need a token string. You should ask for yours to: Consultas Sios
It looks like this
To use the ESIOS module, just do:
from ESIOS import *
token = '615e6d8c80629b8eef25c8f3d0c36094e23db4ed50ce5458f3462129d7c46dba'
esios = ESIOS(token)
indicators_ = [1293, 600] # demand (MW) and SPOT price (€)
names = esios.get_names(indicators_)
dfmul, df_list, names = esios.get_multiple_series(indicators_, start_, end_)
df = dfmul[names] # get the actual series and neglect the rest of the info
This is an example of what you can get:
If you have any suggestion please write to: (Español e Inglés)