
RustBoyAdvance-NG is a Nintendo™ Game Boy Advance emulator and debugger, written in the rust programming language.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


license Build

Nintendo GameBoy Advance ™ emulator and debugger, written in rust.

WebAssembly Demo: https://michelhe.github.io/rustboyadvance-ng/ Deploy

Project Structure

  • core/ - Main emulator crate
  • bindings/ - Bindings to other languages. Currently only java binidings through JNI.
  • platform/ - Constains executables & application built with rustboyadvance-core
    • platform/rustbodyadvance-wasm - Web emulator powered by WebAssembly
    • platform/rustbodyadvance-sdl2 - Desktop application built with sdl2
    • platform/rustbodyadvance-minifb - Desktop application built with minifb, not maintained.
    • platform/android - A PoC Android application.


Pokemon Emerald

Emulation Todo:

  • CGB audio (4 wave generator channels)

Build and usage (Desktop Application)

To get started, you need to get a stable rust toolchain.

Linux build dependencies

Install SDL2 dependencies

sudo apt-get -y install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev

Windows build dependencies

SDL2 runtime binaries are included in this repository, no extra setup needed.

Build & Usage

You need to obtain a gba bios binary. An open source GBA bios is also available and supported.

Place the bios file in the repository root and name it gba_bios.bin (or alternatively use the -b command line option)

Build and run in release mode (performance is terrible in the dev profile)

$ cargo run --release -p rustboyadvance-sdl2 -- path/to/rom

You can also drag&drop rom files or any zip files containing .gba files inside into the emulator window and a new rom will be loaded.

Key bindings

Currently the key bindings are not configureable.

GBA key bindings:

Keyboard GBA
Up Up
Down Down
Left Right
Right Right
Z B Button
X A Button
Return Start
Backspace Select

Special key bindings

Key Function
Space (hold) Disable 60fps cap
F1 Custom debugger (requires --features debugger)
F2 Spawn gdbserver (experimetnal, requires --features gdb)
F5 Save snapshot file
F9 Load snapshot file

Android Application

The android project is placed inside platform/android. To build it, open it with Android Studio.

You also need to set up rust to build android targets with NDK.

TODO - instructions

More Screenshots

Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland Dragon Ball - Legacy of Goku 2

Links and attribution

  • ARM7TDMI Technical Reference Manual Technical Reference Manuals are fun.
  • GBATEK A single webpage written by no$gba developer Martin Korth. This page has pretty much everything. Seriously, it's the best.
  • TONC A comprehensive GBA dev guide that I used a-lot in order to understand the GBA system. Comes with neat demo roms that really helped me during development and debugging.
  • NanoboyAdvance A GameBoy Advance emulator written in C++17 by a nice person called fleroviux. I've used this for debugging.
  • Eggvance gba-suite Incredible test suite for the arm7tdmi interpreter that I'm using, written by Julian Smolka.