
Gradle build and deploy tasks to ease webapp development for Weblogic Application Server

Primary LanguageJava

Weblogic provision with Gradle

This project has all the code needed to spin up an Weblogic 10.3.6 (11g) Development Edition with a basic domain configuration. This can be used as bootstrap for any other projects producing artifacts that will be deployed onto Weblogic.

It can also deploy WAR files to this local Weblogic or to instances running on servers.


There is a small app (servlet) that can be deployed on Weblogic to show contents of files placed on the servers. The file name is hardcoded to avoid malicious usage of this servlet.

Pre Reqs

  • Java 7
  • Works on Windows and Linux

Quick working example

Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/datherra/Gradologic.git

Change dir and bring VM up (requires VirtualBox)

cd Gradologic
vagrant linux up

SSH to the VM and change to project's dir

vagrant ssh linux
cd /vagrant

Start Weblogic (dowload, installation and setup will be done for you)

gradlew startWeblogic

Then deploy

gradlew wlDeploy

Access the app (port 7011 on Linux VM, but 7001 if running on your local machine): http://localhost:7011/metadata/hello_world

From this point on, any changes made on your servlets is ready to be re-deployed. Just use gradle wlDeploy again and refresh your browser.

Deploy to a remote server

Edit the connection details on file web/build.gradle accordingly, i.e.:

weblogic {
  adminurl = 't3://myserver.mycorp.net:17001'
  user = 'weblogic'
  password = 'that_weblogic_password'

The task wlDeploy is provided by the Gradle Plugin com.lv.weblogic. This plugin is a wrapper around Weblogic's original Ant tasks.


Idempotence on Gradle is tricky, specially when dealing with multi-vm environment and/or shared folder on Vagrant. Whenever you destroy the VM is also recommened to delete the infra/.local dir:

vagrant destroy linux
rm -rf infra/.local # or correspondent command on Windows

For details, please refer to the How does it work? section on Gradle Docs

Tasks implemented by this project

gradlew tasks --all

Other tasks
infra:startWeblogic - Starts Weblogic in background
    infra:createWeblogicDomain - Unpacks domain template creating a domain
    infra:createWeblogicTemplate - Generates a domain template
    infra:downloadFile - Regular download of Weblogic via HTTP
    infra:extractWeblogic - Unpacks previously downloaded WLS Dev edition
    infra:setupWeblogic - Runs Weblogic configure<sh|cmd> script
infra:stopWeblogic - Stops Weblogic using scripts provided by it


Main features of infra/build.gradle:

  • everything is installed on infra/.local and this folder are not meant to be checked in the repo
  • tasks are idempotent
  • works on Linux and Windows
  • consistent environment, built from code. You can just delete the infra/.local and run the startWeblogic task again to get the environment restored
  • domain template creation script is found on infra/buildSrc/main/resources/createTemplate.py. It can serve as bootstrap to create more sophisticated domain configurations
  • task createWeblogicTemplate is an example on how to run any WLST script via Gradle
  • task startWeblogic is an example on how to use the custom task type SpawnProcess, running a process in the background and unblocking Gradle, as opposed to the builtin Exec task type
  • it comes with basic Vagrant support, in case you want to try this project on a local Linux VM (Windows VM option is WIP)

Included Servlets

  • HelloWorldServlet just servers as proof of concept.
  • InfoServlet was built with the intent to read a local file deployed by other application on the application server. This file would display metadata about this other app (long story short, the app couldn't do by itself).
  • The Java compile tasks are set to generate bytecode version compatible with Java 6. Remove this option from web/build.gradle to build bytecode according to the JVM compiling it.