
Movies, TV Shows reviewing website

Initial Setup

  • Create a Database with name: 'netflop'
  • Import 'netflop.sql' to 'netflop' Database
  • Modify 'host', 'user', 'pass' (your mysql access) of $config['database'] in configs/database.php
  • IMPORTANT (if you are MAC OS user or you don't setup Xampp (or other virtual servers) in default location or there is no htdocs folder): You have to modify the _DEFAULT_PATH at bootstrap.php line 5 and 6 (str_replace); modify some absolute links in assets/css/style.css.
  • IMPORTANT: You will need an OpenAI Secret Key and change $config['app'] in configs/app.php in order to work properly with the OpenAI - Chat GPT API


  • Main admin username - password: admin - hung
  • Sub admin username - password: admin2 - hung


  • Design Pattern: Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  • Backend: PHP v8.2
  • Frontend: CSS, JS, Bootstrap
  • Database: MySQL
  • API:


This project has been being worked by a group of 3

  • Me - 'Viet Hung Do' as leader, project backend dev, project integrator
  • 'Minh Dat Doan' as project frontend dev
  • 'Thanh Dat Tran' as project supporter, tester

This is our first project so i have to admit that this project is far from optimal ^^

Studying and researching purposes only!