
Video call, chat with angular, nodejs, peerJs, socket.io

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A website for people to make a video call, chat without account with simple steps.


You can check on https://live.datnikon.com/

Note: I use turn server (free version - limit 500Mb/month) so after 500Mb transferred the video call on this demo page not work.


  • Angular 12, NodeJs, PeerJs (base on WebRTC), Socket.Io, Turn server (option, use for deploy).
  • Hosting/Web server: Alibaba cloud (free version), NGINX, Let's encrypt (just for deploy).

How to run

  • Download this source code.
  • Install peer (npm i peer -g).
  • Run 'peerjs --port 3001'.
  • Go to 'backend' folder, run 'npm install', then run 'node app.js'.
  • Go to 'src' folder, run 'npm install', then run 'ng serve --open' to open angular application on port 4200.


  • ng build --aot


  • You need config turn server before deploy. Take a look in 'getTurnServeConfig()' method of 'peer.service.ts'.
  • Copy code to your server.
  • Use angular-http-server to run your angular code on port 4300 (https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-http-server).
  • Use PM2 to start server (pm2 run 'node app.js', start peerjs (pm2 run 'peerjs --port 3001').
  • Install Let's encrypt to cofig https.
  • Take a look with Nginx config file: image }

Features plan



  • Feel free, give me a star if you like it <3
