
A Next.js project demonstrating the use of DatoCMS Real-time Updates API.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

👉 Visit the DatoCMS homepage or see What is DatoCMS?

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app, demonstrating the use of DatoCMS Real-time Updates API.

Final result

Demo here: https://next-event-coverage-liveblog.vercel.app/


Deploy this demo project for free!

Click this button to test and deploy this demo project to Vercel, along with a fully configured DatoCMS project and a Github repo:

Deploy with DatoCMS

Learn More

To learn more about how to integrate DatoCMS with your Next.js project, take a look at the following resources:

Starting the development server

First, create a .env.local and put a NEXT_PUBLIC_DATOCMS_API_TOKEN env variable containing the API token of your DatoCMS project:


Then, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

What is DatoCMS?

DatoCMS is the REST & GraphQL Headless CMS for the modern web.

Trusted by over 25,000 enterprise businesses, agency partners, and individuals across the world, DatoCMS users create online content at scale from a central hub and distribute it via API. We ❤️ our developers, content editors and marketers!

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