Enum Helper-DarkEnum Helper-Light

Laravel Enum Collections

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A Laravel collection extension to store enums with a useful eloquent field cast and a helper trait.
Take your interaction with enums to the next level.
Compatible with PureEnum, BackedEnum and datomatic/laravel-enum-helper package.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require datomatic/laravel-enum-collections

The main parts of the package are:


EnumCollection is an extension of base Laravel collection that expand his functionalities to add the compatibility with:

  • enum object instance
  • enum case name string
  • enum case value (only for BackedEnum)
  • enum case (string) value (only for IntBackedEnum)

Creating an EnumCollection

You can make enum collection in 4 ways:

use \Datomatic\EnumCollections\EnumCollection;

EnumCollection::from($data, Enum::class);
EnumCollection::tryFrom($data, Enum::class);

from method throw an ValueError Exception if an element in $data is wrong, instead tryFrom skips bad data without raise exceptions.
$data can be a single element or a collection, array,... of elements.

If $data contains only Enum elements you can also omit the EnumClass (the collection take the EnumClass of the first element).

EnumCollection::from(Enum::CASE1); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum::CASE1>
EnumCollection::from('CASE1', Enum::class); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum::CASE1>
EnumCollection::from(1, Enum::class); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum::CASE1>
EnumCollection::from('1', Enum::class); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum::CASE1>
EnumCollection::from([Enum::CASE1,Enum::CASE2]); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum>
EnumCollection::from(collect([Enum::CASE1,Enum::CASE2])); // ✅ EnumCollection<Enum>

Contains method

use \Datomatic\EnumCollections\EnumCollection;

$enumCollection = EnumCollection::from([Enum::CASE1,Enum::CASE2]); // [1,2]

$enumCollection->contains(Enum::CASE1); // true
$enumCollection->contains(Enum::CASE3); // false
$enumCollection->doesntContain(Enum::CASE3); // true
$enumCollection->contains(1); // true
$enumCollection->contains('1'); // true
$enumCollection->contains('PRIVATE'); // true
$enumCollection->doesntContain('PRIVATE'); // false

toValues method

toValues method serialize the collection content, if the element is a PureEnum will be pass the name of the case, otherwise the value.

use \Datomatic\EnumCollections\EnumCollection;

EnumCollection::from([Enum::CASE1,Enum::CASE2,Enum::CASE2])->toValues(); // [1,2,2]
EnumCollection::from(['CASE1','CASE2','CASE2'],Enum::class)->toValues(); // [1,2,2]
EnumCollection::from([1,2,2],Enum::class)->toValues(); // [1,2,2]
EnumCollection::from(['1','2','2'],Enum::class)->toValues(); // [1,2,2]


You can cast a field to be an EnumCollection. To use this casting option, you need to set the Eloquent Model properly.

1. Database Migration

Schema::table('table', function (Blueprint $table) {

2. Model set up

To set up your model you must:

  • add a custom cast AsLaravelEnumCollection::class with the enumClass as attribute
  • add an optional HasEnumCollections trait to make query on enum collections fields

You can also cast more than one field if you need.

use Datomatic\EnumCollections\Casts\AsLaravelEnumCollection;
use Datomatic\EnumCollections\EnumCollection;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class TestModel extends Model
    use HasEnumCollections;
    //Laravel 9/10
    protected $casts = [
        'field_name' => AsLaravelEnumCollection::class.':'.FieldEnum::class,
    //Laravel 11
    protected function casts(): array
        return [
            'field_name' => AsLaravelEnumCollection::of(FieldEnum::class),

Set the enum collection field

You can set enum collection field passing a single element, a collection or an array of elements. After the field will become an EnumCollection.

enum FieldEnum: int
    case PRIVATE = 1;
    case PUBLIC = 2;
    case PROTECTED = 3;

$model = new TestModel();
$model->field_name = FieldEnum::PRIVATE; // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum::PRIVATE>
$model->field_name = 'PRIVATE'; // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum::PRIVATE>
$model->field_name = 1; // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum::PRIVATE>
$model->field_name = '1'; // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum::PRIVATE>
$model->field_name = [FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC]; // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum>
$model->field_name = collect([FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC]); // ✅ EnumCollection<FieldEnum>

Database saved data

A serialization of enumCollection is saved in the database, if the element is a PureEnum will be saved the name of the case, otherwise the value.


Thanks to casting you can interact with field_name like a normal EnumCollection with all functionalities showed before.

$model = new TestModel();
$model->field_name = [FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC];

$model->field_name->contains(FieldEnum::PRIVATE); // true
$model->field_name->contains(FieldEnum::PROTECTED); // false
$model->field_name->contains(1); // true
$model->field_name->contains('1'); // true
$model->field_name->contains('PRIVATE'); // true
$model->field_name->doesntContain('PRIVATE'); // false
$model->field_name->doesntContain(FieldEnum::PROTECTED); // true

HasEnumCollections trait

If you include also the HasEnumCollections into the model, you can query the models with the new where functions whereContains, orWhereContains, whereDoesntContain and orWhereDoesntContain.

TestModel::whereContains('field_name', FieldEnum::PRIVATE)->get()
TestModel::whereDoesntContain('field_name', FieldEnum::PRIVATE)->get()

TestModel::whereContains('field_name', 1)
    ->whereContains('field_name', FieldEnum::PUBLIC)
TestModel::whereContains('field_name', [FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC])
TestModel::whereContains('field_name', collect([FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC]))
 TestModel::whereContains('field_name', EnumCollection::make([FieldEnum::PRIVATE,FieldEnum::PUBLIC]))
TestModel::whereContains('field_name', [1,2])

TestModel::whereContains('field_name', FieldEnum::PRIVATE)
    ->orWhereContains('field_name', FieldEnum::PUBLIC)


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.