
Experiments in lightweight ways to create, display and share datasets and data-driven stories.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Experiments in data display.

An experimental playground for code that and examples that may find there way into Portal.js and DataHub.io.

Motivating use case

I want to turn a (data-oriented) markdown file into an elegant data-driven web page

Data-oriented markdown file is the kind of thing in https://github.com/datasets/awesome-data and its issue https://github.com/datasets/awesome-data/issues

I want things like:

  • Auto-conversion of links to csv or excel files into nice tables or previews
  • Create charts using react components (in markdown) a la MDX
  • Have datasets as markdown files using the frontmatter for metadata
  • Datasets within markdown files using backtick notation e.g. ```dataset
  • Embedded csv or json data turned into nie tables

Data Literate Documents

See https://portaljs.org/data-literate


Environment variables:

  • For github communication you need to set APP_GITHUB_KEY with a personal access token with read permission on public repos