
Check hosts for Adobe nerds.

Primary LanguageBatchfile

checkhost / hostcheckr

A batch script (could possibly be converted to .exe) that checks your host file against the CCStopper host block one.


  1. Run the script.
  2. Choose an option from the menu:
    • Option 1: Check the hosts file for missing lines.
    • Option 2: Display the raw GitHub data.
    • Option 3: Display version information.
    • Option 4: Exit the script.


  • The script requires administrator privileges to check the hosts file.
  • It uses curl to temporarily download the CCStopper host file.
  • If there are missing lines, it displays the count.

Script Sections

  • :menu: Displays the main menu and handles user choices.
  • :check_hosts: Checks the hosts file for missing lines.
  • :display_raw_data: Displays the raw GitHub data.
  • :display_version_info: Displays the script version information.