Finance Analyzer

Side project to learn about ML / AI, Model Fine tuning, PyTorch, Tensor Flow and Hugging Face libraries

run the project

pipenv shell

to start the virtual environment

pipenv install *

Virtual environment is managed previouly by pyenv

Folder csv with dataset is ignored by now.

Train a model

Currently last version of code is stores in trainer-2

  • python trainer to tune a pretrained model. Pretrained model is bert-base-multilingual-uncased
    • created model store in /model folder (gitignored)
  • python predictor and python pipeline to test model works

Also you have that is incompleted and not working.

to install package

pipenv install

Extra Ollama: Create modelfile (not used in this demo)

ollama create finance_analyzer_llama2 -f ./finance_analyer.txt ollama run finance_analyzer_llama2