
Simple Scheduler Solution for Node based on REDIS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Scheduler Solution for Node based on REDIS.

How to use

npm install redis-schedule --save


const scheduler = require('redis-scheduler');
scheduler.connect({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379' });

scheduler.schedule('someJob', 'uniq_key', Date.now());


const scheduler = require('redis-scheduler');
scheduler.connect({ host: 'localhost', port: 6379' });

scheduler.worker.register('someJob', (data) => {
  console.log('got data from scheduler');



Redis scheduler use singleton for the connection to REDIS. connect once and you can use it everywhere


connect use the same options with redis connect: https://github.com/NodeRedis/node_redis/blob/master/README.md#connect


Schedule a task to run at a specific timestamp.

scheduler.schedule(jobName, key, timestamp);


Property Default Description
jobName Name of the Job
key Identifer of the schedule
timestamp Unix timestamp where the job should be executed


Cancel a task with a key.

Notes: All the tasks with the same key in the Job will be cancel.

scheduler.cancel(jobName, key);


Property Default Description
jobName Name of the Job
key Identifer of the schedule


Handle jobs


Register a worker which process the task at the due time.

scheduler.worker.register(jobName, handler, prefetch)
handler = (key) => { // do something with the key}
Property Default Description
jobName Name of the Job
handler Function to process schedule job
prefetch 5 Number of items to be received for each interval


Remove a worker

Property Default Description
jobName Name of the Job

Note: Only one worker should exist at once. otherwise, duplicated messages will be processed

Behind the scence

  • schedule: ZADD jobName key timestamp
  • cancel: ZREM jobName key
  • worker:
    • interval get data from redis ZRANGES jobName 0 {prefetch -1} WITHSCORES
    • check if the score is smaller than now
      • If it's true, process message, ZREM jobName key
      • If it's false, ignore it


  • This is a very basic version of scheduler. It should be used for small sized application only.
  • If you need more advanced feature, go with RabbitMQ with x-delayed-message plugin.
  • No ack implemented for worker. Therefore, you have to implement yourself requeue when a job is failed.
  • The timestamp is from your application. So make sure the planner and the worker have consistent time.
  • The key should be unique, since when we use ZREM jobName key. All duplicated items with that key will be removed.