
Generate Static web pages from ASP.NET Core website with support for dynamic content.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

AspStatic is a simple library to generate static HTML files from ASP.NET Core websites. It simply sends requests to the pages and saves the result to a folder or zipped file that can then be served by any static file server.

Why another Static Generator?

  • You have the full power of ASP.NET Core (database, service, dependency injections for example) and file access at the runtime (when the static files are generated). This means you don't have to write custom or extra template or layout, you write the usual ASP.NET website.

  • Open abstractions for both Grabber and Writer so you can add your own implementations.

  • A single code base for both a ASP.NET Website and a static website. This package is intended to be run once in your development machine and you can easily "unplug" it from your Release build if you want a dynamic version of your website.


Install AspStatic package from Nuget:

dotnet add package AspStatic


See full demo project.

  1. Call AddHttpContextAccessor, AddHttpClient and AddAspStatic methods to add necessary services to the website's DI. Optionally call AddAspStaticUrlGatherer if you want to use it. See URL Gatherer below.


// ...
    // These 2 are required:

    // Optionally add URL Gatherer
    .AddAspStatic(options =>
        // By default, AspStaticOptions already has two grabbers:
        // options.GrabWwwRootFiles();
        // options.GrabRazorPages();

        // You must call one Write method or else nothing will be written
        options.WriteToFolder(@"bin\aspstatic", true); // Write to a folder
        options.WriteToZip(@"bin\aspstatic.zip"); // Write to a Zip file

        // Grab some URLs that are not covered by the default grabbers
        // You can even use DI here to access database or other services
        options.GrabCustomUrls(async (ctx) =>
            var services = ctx.RequestServices;

            var result = new List<string>()

            // Get the product service to list all product pages
            var prodSrv = services.GetRequiredService<IProductService>();
            var prods = await prodSrv.GetAllAsync();

                .Select(p => $"/products/{p.Id}"));

            return result;
  1. Call app.UseAspStatic(); to add the middleware to the pipeline. This should be called before any resources is served and therefore should be right after the app.UseHttpsRedirection() call. You can also call app.UseAspStaticUrlGatherer() if you use the URL Gatherer.
// ...


// ...

If you plan to use this as your production website as well, put these code inbetween #if !DEBUG and #endif or use app.Environment to put the code into approriate environments only.

  1. Run and access your web app. The first request will be hijacked by the AspStatic middleware. If everything runs smoothly, the output would be generated and you should see the response "ASP Static built."


Grabbers IGrabber determine what URLs are requested and saved to the output. The library provides 3 grabbers by default:

  • WwwRootGrabber: Grab all files in the wwwroot folder.

  • RazorPagesGrabber: Grab all Razor Pages in the website. Only works for pages without parameters in their paths like /products or /info but not /products/{id}..

  • CustomGrabber: A grabber that you can customize to grab any URLs you want.

The default grabbers have an optional requireSuccessfulResponse option (default: true) that determines whether the response must be successful to be saved.

IGrabber.GrabAsync(HttpContext context) are called at runtime, providing great flexibility to what you can do because you have everything available to you.

The AspStaticOptions exposes the List<IGrabber> Grabbers so you can freely add or remove grabbers. You can also use the provided methods for quick access to those grabbers.

If you want to write your own Grabber, you may find the BaseUrlGrabber class useful.


Writers IWriter determine how the output is saved. The library provides 2 writers by default:

  • FsWriter: Write to a folder on your File System. The optional clearBeforeBuild option (default: true) determines whether the folder is cleared before writing.

    • The WriteToFolder() method writes to the folder relative to the web project (env.ContentRootPath).

    • To write to an absolute folder, use WriteToAbsoluteFolder or the more generic WriteToFolder(Func<HttpContext, string> folderFunc, bool clearBeforeBuild) method.

A decision was made to write path like /product/2 to /product/2/index.html instead of /product/2.html for cases when the website contains paths like /product/2/details as well. Any path that the end part has a dot . (like static files, /css/index.css) are kept and no folder is made.

  • ZipWriter: Write to a Zip file. The optional relativeToContentRootPath option (default: true) determines whether the provided path is relative to the web project (env.ContentRootPath).

Implementing your own writer

You can implement your own writer by implementing the IWriter interface:

public interface IWriter
    Task InitializeAsync(HttpContext context);
    Task<Stream> GetOutputStreamAsync(string path);
    // ...
  • InitializeAsync is called once before the first write. You can use this to create the output folder or file or get a relative folder resolved because an HttpContext instance is available to you.

  • GetOutputStreamAsync(string path) asks you to provide a Stream so the library can write the content to it. path is the path part of the URL, for example /css/app.css or /product/2.

URL Gatherer

The URL Gatherer is a separate component to the generator that simply logs all requests to the web app. Sometimes it may be difficult to gather all the URLs that you want to generate. For example, Blazor apps may request additional files from the framework.

The gatherer is simply a logger. Once you have the list, you have to manually put it to any use you want, for example feed it to GrabCustomUrls. You can write it to a file since GrabCustomUrls support async as well as all services you may need.

You need to call builder.Services.AddAspStaticUrlGatherer() and app.UseAspStaticUrlGatherer() to activate the URL Gatherer. This make an IUrlGathererService singleton instance available to your DI:

@inject AspStatic.IUrlGathererService Urls;

@* ... *@

@foreach (var item in Urls.GetGatheredUrls())
        <td>@(item.StatusCode is null ? "N/A" : (int)item.StatusCode)</td>