
Base source for Node projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

VNLP source base


Base source for Node projects


  1. Respond with error

    • Using throw with VError to response with error
  2. Logger

    • Using VLogger to log in source code
    • Log rules:
      • logger.info: when you need to store an information of an action
      • logger.error: when you need to log an error
      • logger.warn: when you need to log warning, it doesn't affect current flow but can affect system in the future
      • logger.debug: when you need to log something make you debug easier
    • Change log level according to deploy environment
  3. Coding convention

  4. Dependencies

    • Must not import sibling file directly. For example:
      • Service cannot import another service directly, must add it as a dependencies and pass to service factory instead.
    • Must not import code of upper layer. For example:
      • Service can import common functions, helpers functions, but not vice versa.
  5. Define JSDoc

  6. Recommend VSCode extensions

    • GitLens
    • Code Spell Checker
    • Javascript(ES6) Code Snippets
    • Todo Tree
  7. Recommend resources

  8. Examples

    • Use redis command
    const { getRedisClient } = require('../../components/redis');
    const redisClient = getRedisClient();
    redisClient.set('hello', 'world');

Step by step to create a new module

  1. Create new module directory in /modules

  2. Define new route

    • Create new api route in api.js
    • Attach middlewares: verify token, validate request data, ...
    • Import controller
  3. Define middleware, validation

    • Create new validation to validate input data of this api
    • Using Joi schema to validate data, you can find guide here
    • Using validate built-in function of express-validation to attach to API like a middleware
  4. Define new controller

    • Import services and dependencies
    • Create service with serviceFactory
    • Extract data input from request
    • Respond using res.success
    • Wrapper method of controller with tryCatchWrapper in constructor
  5. Define new service

    • Write business logic in method of class Service
    • If business need to combine many services, create a business file
  6. Define new business (optional)

    • Create a business file, import all necessary services
    • Write business logic in method of class Business
    • Import business file inside controller file
  7. Define new model

    • To mapping Data with DB, you should create a model according to a collection in MongoDB
    • Define options with collection, schema of model in /modules/.../model.js
  8. Define new repository

    • To interact with DB, you should create a repository
    • A new repository will extends from a BaseRepository
    • If you want to create some custom action to DB, you can create method in repository file.
  9. Add checker in every file

    • Add // @ts-check on top of file, see more here


  • Mustn't import file of the same level in the other. For example:
    • Service mustn't import other services.
    • Repository mustn't import other repositories.


Logger (Pino with ELK stack)

Tracing (Jaeger)

Message Queue (bull, RabbitMQ)

Monitoring (Prometheus, Grafana)


  • Run npm install to install packages
  • Run npm start to start server
  • Run npm run test to run tests
  • Run npm run dev to start server with DEBUG level
  • Run npm run lint to find coding convention issues


  • Add pre-commit, lint to clean code
  • Add redis connection
  • Create metrics with Prometheus
  • Add log to monitor slow query DB
  • Create websocket components
  • Create Dockerfile
  • Create documentation with Swagger
  • Create cli command to generate module in one command
  • Add unit test, integration test
  • Add k6 test script for load test
  • Add swagger to generate docs


  • Everyone can create PR to this repo to contribute to this source
  • If you have a problem with this source, you can add an issue and tag @duysmile or email me duy210697@gmail.com