
This repo let you embed and query based on your second brain - obsidian

Primary LanguagePython

Personal Research Assistant

This is a GPT-based personal research assistant, it helps query your obsidian database (by performing semantic search with OpenAI's API) and Automatically summarize PDFs for skimming.


Please use python3 and install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a settings.py file in the root folder with the following content:

OBSIDIAN_PATH = "<ResearchFolder>"
PDF_DICT_PATH = "pdf_dict.json"
PDF_RESULT_PATH = "pdf_result.json"
PDF_RESULT_PATH_LIGHT = "pdf_result_light.json"
PDF_DB_DIR = "pdf_db"
PDF_RESULT_DIR = "pdf_result"
PDF_RESULT_DIR_LIGHT = "pdf_result_light"

Where <ResearchFolder is an obsidian vault:

OBSIDIAN_PATH = "/Users/thanhdatn/ResearchVault/Research/"


Querying obsidian

To start querying the vault, call:

python obsidian_interface.py

This will give you an interface where each time you enter, it queries the obsidian database and return an answer. For example

query: [CRITICAL] Summarize the direction in neural network repair

Answer: The direction in neural network repair involves various approaches such as verification-based adjustments to output layer weights, inductive synthesis, constraint-based repair, and causal-based testing and repair using structural causal models. 
Some challenges include scalability issues and limited effectiveness in repairing neural networks. Recent developments focus on causality-aware coverage criteria and model-centric fault localization to improve repair performance.

The sources are from the following files:  Causality-Based Neural Network Repair (CARE).md, Neural Network Repair.md

The tag [CRITICAL] as above is put in case you want more precise and comprehensive answer from gpt-4 (The price will be more expensive also, so please set your limit on OpenAI usage page before using), or you can just put a query without any tag to query gpt-3.5-turbo.

Summarize PDFs

If you want to summarize pdfs in your obsidian vaults, please make sure that the pdf is in the root folder of the vault (e.g., <OBSIDIAN_PATH>/your_pdf.pdf) and run the following script:

python pdf_utils.py --light --pdf_files <file_1.pdf> <file_2.pdf> ...

It will returns the following answer, which is cached for the next calls