Notification Microservice for FreelancerApp

  • The notification microservice is responsible for sending out email notifications to users.
  • The email templates available are for
    • forgot password
    • verify email
    • reset password success
    • offer
    • order placed
    • order receipt
    • order extension request
    • order extension approval
    • order delivered
  • Notification service uses these tools as the main tools
    • Shared library
    • NodeJS
    • Express
    • Typescript
    • Rabbitmq
    • Elasticsearch
    • Nodemailer
    • Email templates
  • There are other packages that are used.
  • You can start the service with npm run dev.

Create docker images

  • You can create your own docker image from this microservice.
  • Create an account on or login if you already have one.
  • Make sure to login on your terminal as well.
  • Steps to build and push your image to docker hub
    • docker build -t <your-dockerhub-username>/freelancer-notification .
    • docker tag <your-dockerhub-username>/freelancer-notification <your-dockerhub-username>/freelancer-notification:stable
    • docker push <your-dockerhub-username>/freelancer-notification:stable