
This code is intend to generate a FunctionCallGraph using IDAPython give an entry point EA (Effective Address).

Primary LanguagePython

Generate Function Graph using IDAPYTHON


Given an entry point EA(Effective address) (the first address of the program you want to start building call graph from) it will generate the call graph.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    name, ea = getMainEntryPoint()
#     ea = 4199680

In case if you want to specify your own EA then simply uncomment the last line as shown in above snippet in main.py file.

How to execute Script

  1. You have to open your PE file in the Portable Executable in IDAPro.
  2. Select the File > Script file option from menu bar.
  3. Browse to main.py file.
  4. This will simply execute the IDAPython script.
  5. The graph.json file will be generated in the same directory of your executable file.

Generating Graph

  1. Make sure to create VirtualEnv if not already created.
  2. One created, active the virtualenv
  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Change the path of the file variable in CreateGraph.py file respectively.
file = "./graph.json"

Here, graph.json file is present in current directory.

  1. Execute the script
python CreateGraph.py

This will open the graph in the browser.


  • IDAPython
  • Malware Analysis
  • Call Graph


Daud Ahmed (daudahmed@zoho.com)