"Before the day I die I must visit Canada"
. Alot of people have such phrases. This API creates the foundaton of an application that will help track things you want to do before one dies.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a Bucket List is a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying.
This is an API for an online Bucket List service using Django-Rest_Framework(DRF)
Bucketlist Api has the following endpoints
Endpoint | Functionality |
POST /api-auth/login | Logs a user in |
POST /bucketlists/ | Create a new bucket list |
GET /bucketlists/ | List all the created bucket lists |
GET /bucketlists/ | Get single bucket list |
PUT /bucketlists/ | Update this bucket list |
DELETE /bucketlists/ | Delete this single bucket list |
GET /bucketlists//items/<item_id> | Get a single bucket list item |
POST /bucketlists//items/ | Create a new item in bucket list |
PUT /bucketlists//items/<item_id> | Update a bucket list item |
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Install virtualenv Activate the virtualenv by following this instructions Clone the bucketlist-django repo
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt