
Principal Component Analysis algorithm and example application.

Primary LanguagePython

PCA Application


Principal Component Analysis is a one of the best way to reduce feature dimensionality. In this project, I developed PCA and use in an example application. In pca.py we take input data matrix as numpy array like:
X = np.array([[-1, -1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [1, 1]]) and apply PCA algorithm steps:

  • Standardized Z matrix (compute_Z(X))
  • We calculate covariance matrix, it is basically dot product of Z transpose and Z itself (compute_covariance_matrix(Z))
  • Components, eigen values and eigen vectors (find_pcs(COV))
  • Lastly, we project data (project_data(Z, PCS, L, k, var))


This project developed for the Machine Learning Course (CS 691) at UNR