
CakeCsv - A cakephp plugin to export data as csv files

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



Many thanks to joshuapaling. This is a project forked from his repo. He mentions that his plugin is deprecated but I think it was a nice and simple development and I thought to keep it up. I didn't do a pull request to the initial repo because this plugin doesn't follow the CakePHP coding standards and also made a lot of changes to the initial plugin.


A CakePHP 2.x plugin to export/download data as a CSV file. Pass it the result of a $this->MyModel->find('all'); call, and it'll flatten it and download it as a .csv file.

It handles nested belongsTo associations just fine. As for hasMany (and other) associations, I don't think they can (or ever need to be) handled gracefully in a single CSV export. If you think differently, I'm open to suggestions or pull requests.

Tested with CakePHP 2.6. Should work with all CakePHP 2.X.


1. Install the plugin into your app/Plugin/CakeCsv directory

git submodule add git@github.com:cakeoven/CakeCSV.git app/Plugin/CakeCSV

or download it from https://github.com/cakeoven/CakeCsv

2. Load the Plugin

In app/Config/bootstrap.php, add a line to load the plugin:

//Loads only the Csv plugin

or //Loads all plugins at once CakePlugin::loadAll();


1. Add the Export Component to your Components array

Add 'CakeCSV.Csv' to your Components array of the relevant controller

var $components = array('CakeCsv.Csv');

2. Start exporting your data.

Say you had a model/controller for Cities. And say that a City belongsTo a State, which belongsTo a country. Your export function in your Cities controller might look like this:

public function export_cities() {
	// It's OK to use containable or recursive in the export data
		'State' => array(
	$data = $this->City->find('all');
	$this->Csv->export($data, 'cities.csv');
	// a CSV file called cities.csv will be downloaded by the browser.

Settings of component

You can set options when loading the component

var $components = [
    CakeCsv.Csv => [
        'delimiter' => ';',
        'enclosure' => '"',
        'dataEncoding' => 'UTF-8',
        'csvEncoding' => 'WINDOWS-1253',

You can change this options by accessing the public properties of the component like:

$this->Csv->delimiter = ",";


The export() function has 2 params:

  1. $data - an array of data to export. This array should be of the format returned by a call to $this->MyModel->find('all');
  2. $fileName (optional) - the name of the file to download. If blank, it will use a date-stamped name along with the controllers name like export_Cities_2013-09-24.csv

Example input/output

Lets say City belongsTo State, which belongsTo country. You might fetch data from the City model looking something like this:

	0 => array(
		'City' => array(
			'name' => 'Sydney',
			'population' => '4.6m'
		'State' => array(
			'name' => 'NSW',
			'Country' => array(
				'name' => 'Australia',
	1 => array(
		'City' => array(
			'name' => 'Melbourne',
			'population' => '4.1m'
		'State' => array(
			'name' => 'VIC',
			'Country' => array(
				'name' => 'Australia',

And the Csv component will output a CSV like this:

City.name City.population State.name State.Country.name
Sydney 4.6m NSW Australia
Melbourne 4.1m VIC Australia

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.



MIT - http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT


Write Unit tests