
TimescaleDB compatible WAL-E, as a Docker sidecar container

Primary LanguagePython

WAL-E sidecar for TimescaleDB

This docker image can be used as a backup "sidecar" container to a TimescaleDB container. It makes periodic backups using WAL-E (https://github.com/wal-e/wal-e) as well as WAL backups. WAL-E will not backup configuration files so they need to be stored separately. If they are stored where the WAL-E sidecar container can reach them, they can be restored during the WAL-E restore process using the environment variable PGCONF_BACKUP_DIR.


Modifications to TimescaleDB container

The TimescaleDB and the WAL-E containers need to share PGDATA and PGWAL disk volumes. Before starting the TimescaleDB instance, the TimescaleDB container needs to create a $PGDATA/wale_init_lockfile (our official Docker release supports this). When the WAL-E sidecar container removes that file, it is safe for TimescaleDB to start.

Typical modifications to postgresql.conf are

archive_command='/usr/bin/wget wale_container_hostname:5000/wal-push/%f -O -'

Sidecar configurations

The WAL-E container is configured using environment variables. First, the startup operation is controlled by the START_MODE variable where the options are CONTINOUS_BACKUP, BACKUP_PUSH, or RESTORE.

MODE Operation
BACKUP_PUSH Pushes a base backup before starting to accept archive commands
CONTINOUS_BACKUP Starts up and accepts archive commands
RESTORE Fetches a backup, creates a restore.conf, and optionally restores configuration files

The backup and restore operation can be further configured through the following variables.

Variable Use Default
WALE_RESTORE_LABEL label of backup to pull when restoring LATEST
WALE_SIDECAR_HOSTNAME hostname where the sidecar can be reached localhost
CRON_TIMING Cron string for periodic backups "0 0 * * *" (24h)
RECOVERY_ADDITION line to add to recovery.conf, typically timestamp for PIT recovery -
PGCONF_BACKUP_DIR directory path holding configuration files to restore after data dir restore  -
PGDATA path to mounted TimescaleDB/PostgreSQL data dir -

Running WAL-E commands

The WAL-E container can be used to run arbitrary WAL-E commands using the wal-e binary. For example, to list the stored backups you can run

docker exec <wale_container_name> wal-e backup-list