Rotten Tomatoes Client

This is an iOS demo application for displaying the latest box office, upcoming movies, and top DVD rentals using the RottenTomatoes API.

Time: ~8-10 hours

User Stories/Features:

  • Required: User can view a list of movies from Rotten Tomatoes. Poster images must be loading asynchronously.
  • Required: User can view movie details by tapping on a cell
  • Required: User sees loading state while waiting for movies API. You can use one of the 3rd party libraries at
  • Required: User sees error message when there's a networking error. You may not use UIAlertView to display the error. See this screenshot for what the error message should look like: network error screenshot.
  • Required: User can pull to refresh the movie list.
  • Optional: For the large poster, load the low-res image first, switch to high-res when complete (optional)
  • Optional: Customize the navigation bar.
  • Optional: Add a tab bar for Box Office and DVD.
  • Optional: Add a search bar.


# install dependencies
pod install

# add Rotten Tomatoes API key
cd RottenTomatoes
mv Configuration.plist.example Configuration.plist
// edit plist file to include your API key where it says 'ENTER API KEY HERE'

# Open RottenTomatoes.xcworkspace in Xcode


Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.