Twitter Client

This is an iOS demo application for a simple Twitter client using the Twitter API.

Time: ~10 hours

User Stories/Features:

  • User can sign in using OAuth login flow
  • User can view last 20 tweets from their home timeline
  • The current signed in user will be persisted across restarts
  • In the home timeline, user can view tweet with the user profile picture, username, tweet text, and timestamp. In other words, design the custom cell with the proper Auto Layout settings. You will also need to augment the model classes.
  • User can pull to refresh
  • User can compose a new tweet by tapping on a compose button.
  • User can tap on a tweet to view it, with controls to retweet, favorite, and reply.
  • When composing, you should have a countdown in the upper right for the tweet limit.


Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.