
"WebGL Programming Guide" done in modern ES6 JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WebGL introduction

Source code created while studying the WebGL Programming Guide book.

Why WebGL?

WebGL powers many web game frameworks: Phaser, Pixi.JS, Construct, BabylonJS, three.js, etc...

WebGL can be used for online data visualizations, simulators, games, virtual museums, interactive configurators and many other things like:

Run the project

npm install # only the first time
npm run start

or the shortcut for VSCode: CTRL+SHIFT+B

Why I created this repo

I wanted some quality of life features while studying WebGL, so I added:

  • Hot reload
  • ES6 modules
  • Clean, updated and documented code
    • Enforced style with ESLint airbnb code style
    • JSDoc for most important classes/methods
  • Some fixes to the libraries provided by the book WebGL Programming Guide:
    • Fixed spelling errors
    • Converted CRLF to LF
    • Updated JSDoc
  • VSCode:
    • Autocompletion working out of the box
    • Firefox debugger task (needs the Firefox debugger extensions)
    • Launch shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+B)
