The first code I ever wrote and released back in 2011

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


PSP button tester and UMD dumper I wrote as my very first "homebrew" project back in late 2010/early 2011. The code is beyond awful and not very easy to read for non-Spanish speakers but I wanted to keep it somewhere safe since I have very nice memories from those old times.

It's written in Lua (more specifically LuaDev, a PSP Lua intepreter), which was the first language I ever learned on my own too.

I remember it being so much fun. It's fantastic to look back and realize how much you've improved, and how little I knew back then about how far I'd get from that small urge to be different and creative. Programming is a truly beautiful profession and, to the eyes of many, an art.