
Spring Cloud Services for PCFDev

Primary LanguageShell


Please use the latest version of PCFDev, which now ships with Spring Cloud Services

Spring Cloud Services for PCFDev

The goal of this project is to allow developers to run Spring Cloud Services on PCFDev.

This project assumes that you're running PCFDev at

Currently, this project requires you to manually download the SCS Tile from network.pivotal.io and place that file alongside the deploy-local.sh file. Once you do that, you should be able to simply run ./deploy-local.sh and the SCS applications and Service Broker will deploy to PCFDev.


By default, the PCFDev VM will only start with up to 4GB of total memory. For use with SCS, it is recommended that you start the VM with at least 8GB of memory:

VM_MEMORY=8192 ./start-osx

Openssl client on OSX needs to be updated. These scripts have been tested with openssl 1.0.2h. Instructions on updating can be found here: http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/126830/how-to-upgrade-openssl-in-os-x

SSL certificates

Spring Cloud Services depends on wildcard certificates for *.uaa and *.login domains. By default, PCFDev only comes configured with a wildcard cert for the *.local.pcfdev.io domain. In order to deploy SCS on PCFDev, we need to update the SSL cert, including the wildcard domains required: *.local.pcfdev.io,*.uaa.local.pcfdev.io,*.login.local.pcfdev.io

SSH into vagrant vm

sudo su -
cd /var/vcap/jobs/gorouter/config
mkdir bak
mv *.pem ./bak
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/dave-malone/c4eb740c96b425098dd3c5f82117b7c4/raw/2d50094c9b502c8b580cf24ab49d9a4ef0e44312/temp.cnf
openssl genrsa  -out key.pem 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -key key.pem -out cert.pem -extensions server_req_extensions -config temp.cnf
monit restart gorouter


PCFDev uses xip.io in order to redirect all *.local.pcfdev.io requests back to You can either configure a local DNS server to map all *.uaa.local.pcfdev.io and *.login.local.pcfdev.io requests to

dnsmasq (suggested):

brew update
brew install dnsmasq

cp /usr/local/opt/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.conf.example /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo brew services start dnsmasq

echo "address=/.local.pcfdev.io/" >> /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo "address=/.uaa.local.pcfdev.io/" >> /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
echo "address=/.login.local.pcfdev.io/" >> /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf

sudo launchctl stop homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq
sudo launchctl start homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq

Finally, modify the list of DNS Servers used for your current network interface:

networksetup -getdnsservers Wi-Fi
(output should be something like, or whatever DNS servers you're currently using, use this list for the next command)
sudo networksetup -setdnsservers Wi-Fi

/etc/hosts entries:

Alternatively, you can modify your /etc/hosts file using a few well-known domain names. The scripts in this project deploy the SCS Service Broker as an app running on Cloud Foundry with a given hostname: scsbroker.local.pcfdev.io. The project also sets up a new Zone in UAA: spring-cloud-services.uaa.local.pcfdev.io and spring-cloud-services.login.local.pcfdev.io. All of this is configurable via the setup.sh script. spring-cloud-services.uaa.local.pcfdev.io,spring-cloud-services.login.local.pcfdev.io,login.local.pcfdev.io,uaa.local.pcfdev.io,api.local.pcfdev.io,scsbroker.local.pcfdev.io,doppler.local.pcfdev.io


Clone this project: git clone https://github.com/dave-malone/pcfdev-spring-cloud-services

Download the SCS Tile

Copy the downloaded p-spring-cloud-services-*.zip file into this project directory

Make sure that you're already running PCFDev


Accessing Spring Cloud Services

Once SCS Has been deployed, you can access the dashboards via . The default admin user credentials can be used to authenticate.

Services should be visible to all orgs and all spaces in the marketplace:

cf marketplace

Now you can create service instances for each service:

cf create-service p-config-server standard myconfig
cf create-service p-circuit-breaker-dashboard standard mycircuitdashboard
cf create-service p-service-registry standard myserviceregistry


  • Utilize the network.pivotal.io download API to download the SCS Tile zip file
  • Automate the generation of the SSL certificates and update to the PCFDev vagrant vm