An easy to use, light-weight, on-demand virus scanner for Linux systems
Pinned issues
- 8
No longer maintained
#163 opened by dave-theunsub - 40
clamtk force quit
#125 opened by MandiYang - 4
I'm simply trying to ask about OR report an issue with ClamTK. After the latest update, it will not scan for issues!
#162 opened by William1Neil - 1
Clamtk warns not responding
#159 opened by Username23453 - 6
'scan files beginning with a dot' is not working, at least on linux mint 21.1 with the latest version from the LM store/repository
#157 opened by peppermintstarman - 0
is there a way to do verbose logging of all files scanned, that lists all scanned files, not just the infected ones, maybe an option for the user to enable it, even if it is a config file one?
#158 opened by peppermintstarman - 4
windows install
#156 opened by TwoDogs2 - 4
Is there a way to configure ClamTK to use the latest ClamAV.deb package from the official ClamAV- Website?
#139 opened by SaschaVasarrhelyi - 2
Settings help
#153 opened by Rik44444 - 1
"peer quit unexpectedly
#148 opened by nobaraos12 - 2
- 8
BUG: New debs are made with tar.zst (need to revert to ubuntu-20.04 or ubuntu-18.04)
#152 opened by theofficialgman - 2
Scan a whole computer
#151 opened by FRANEKbinbanek - 6
Unable to delete previous analysis result
#150 opened by Revival8697 - 1
- 67
Clamtk and Clamav do not update automatically
#127 opened by Lehmeiers - 0
add toggle for automatically updating database & starting scan upon opening
#147 opened by nobaraos12 - 0
Open an discussion board for this github
#146 opened by nobaraos12 - 2
Tray Icon for Ubuntu
#142 opened by fusseljoe - 3
Window buttons always stay at right
#137 opened by InfoLibre - 2
Is there a way to configure ClamTK to use ClamDscan to take advantage of --multiscan?
#145 opened by Xenophobe-01 - 2
database for Linux viruses?
#143 opened by Golddouble - 0
More information for the status field
#140 opened by sebastiancepeda - 1
ClamTk 6.13 and 6.14 dosen't start anymore in Ubuntu- Mate 20.04 LTS
#136 opened by SaschaVasarrhelyi - 1
Buggy interface
#138 opened by xfarrow - 5
v. 6.14 - 20211120 checksums don't match
#135 opened by akwala - 7
Interface complementary details
#129 opened by Ricky-Tigg - 1
- 2
Issue running scan with clamav 0.104
#134 opened by billysmt - 1
Building clamtk from source code
#133 opened by amruta-elisity - 0
Broken AppData file
#130 opened by AsciiWolf - 2
Wide character at /usr/share/perl5/ClamTk/Scan.pm
#118 opened by Ro-Den - 2
Feature proposal: Better virustotal integration
#124 opened by spotlesscoder - 5
No warning for hard links
#121 opened by eqjjh - 3
- 3
ClamTK Analysis Button
#122 opened by eqjjh - 1
Quarantin and log
#119 opened by Anonim19992 - 19
running sudo freshclam appears to not complete
#114 opened by rsramkis - 1
- 2
When I run clamtk in Linus Cinnamon Mint 18.3 History shows 20 items items found but not in quarantine
#116 opened by jflake10 - 2
directory is whitelisted but still receiving mail from clamav about infected files
#115 opened by anschwa - 9
Lockup when downloading virus definitions
#111 opened by ampmaker - 3
- 2
No package clamtk available.
#105 opened by impactcolor - 3
File scanned: 0
#108 opened by antmak - 3
Error Installing clamtk on CENTOS 7
#110 opened by cham2019 - 3
- 2
Application hangs without Internet access
#107 opened by apas-iut - 5
Scanning folder does nothing on Ubuntu 16.04
#106 opened by blOwf1sh - 5
On opening Clamtk, it reports an update is available even when it is up to date
#104 opened by Kesetyan