
Solr Charm for deployment of Apache Solr to Juju. Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene.


Minimal deployment:

    juju deploy cs:~spiculecharms/apache-solr
    juju deploy openjdk
    juju add-relation openjdk solr
    juju expose solr

You can then browse to http://ip-address:8983 to configure the service.

Scale out Usage

You can also run Solr in SolrCloud mode by attaching it to zookeeper

juju deploy apache-zookeeper
juju add-relation apache-zookeeper solr
juju config solr solrcloud=true

Known Limitations and Issues

Zookeeper not fully tested.



This is the scalable version of Solr, to enable it you need to set this configuration option then connect it to a zookeeper quorum.

Contact Information

Contact the developers here:

Upstream Project Name