OVERVIEW The Python scripts index.py and meta_index.py create scatterplots showing GLONG vs GLAT for observing sessions. The .kel files are formatted according to NsfIntegrate data collection software for radio astronomy.
index.py place .kel (or .ast files) into a subfolder labelled "data" (Be sure to delete the file named "Delete_this_file") Creates a single index file (.ind) that lists GLONG, GLAT, RA and DEC values for every .kel file. Creates a scatterplot of GLAT vs GLONG for a single observing session
meta_index.py reads the .ind files that reside in the "data" subfolder. Creates a scatterplot of GLAT vs GLONG overlaying all of your observing sessions.
seek.py reads a collection of index files and displays kel file names for values of galactic longitude and latitude falling within a requested range.