
LangStream, a streaming framework for running Gen AI applications

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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For the complete documentation, go here

Get the LangStream VS Code extension here.


Run LangStream server

To run LangStream, you need to the following components:

  • Kubernetes Cluster (Minikube, AWS EKS, Azure AKS, Google GKE, etc.)
  • Apache Kafka or Apache Pulsar cluster
  • S3 bucket or API-compatible storage (ex Minio)

For local application development, Minikube is recommended. For information on setting up a Minikube environment see Install Kubernetes Environment on MacOS.

Quick start (All-in-one deployment)

You can install all the required components in one-shot. First, prepare the kubernetes local context:

kubectl config use-context minikube

Then, run the following command:


The above command will automatically start the port-forward for the LangStream control plane and the API Gateway.

LangStream deployment

To install LangStream only, you can use the langstream Helm chart:

helm repo add langstream https://langstream.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install -n langstream --create-namespace langstream langstream/langstream --values helm/examples/simple.yaml
kubectl wait -n langstream deployment/langstream-control-plane --for condition=available --timeout=300s

You can then port-forward the control plane and the API Gateway:

kubectl port-forward svc/langstream-control-plane 8090:8090 &
kubectl port-forward svc/langstream-api-gateway 8091:8091 &


Warning CLI requires Java 11+ to be already installed on your machine.


There are multiple ways to install the CLI.

  • MacOS:

    • Homebrew
    brew install LangStream/langstream/langstream
    • Binary with curl
    curl -Ls "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LangStream/langstream/main/bin/get-cli.sh" | bash
  • Unix:

    • Binary with curl
    curl -Ls "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LangStream/langstream/main/bin/get-cli.sh" | bash

Enable auto-completion

Installing directly the binary will enable auto-completion for the CLI.

If you installed the CLI with Homebrew, you can enable auto-completion with the following command:

  • ZSH
[[ $(grep 'langstream generate-completion' "$HOME/.zshrc") ]] || echo -e "source <(langstream generate-completion)" >> "$HOME/.zshrc"
source $HOME/.zshrc # or open another terminal
  • Bash
[[ $(grep 'langstream generate-completion' "$HOME/.bashrc") ]] || echo -e "source <(langstream generate-completion)" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
source $HOME/.bashrc # or open another terminal


To get started, run langstream --help to see the available commands. By default, the CLI will connect to the control plane running on localhost:8090. You can change this by setting the LANGSTREAM_webServiceUrl environment variable.

To change permanently it, you can run:

langstream configure webServiceUrl <url>

The above applies for all the configuration options:

Name Description Default
webServiceUrl The URL of the LangStream Control Plane http://localhost:8090
apiGatewayUrl The URL of the LangStream API Gateway http://localhost:8091
tenant The tenant to use default
token The token to use

To get your applications, run:

langstream apps list

Deploy your first application

Inside the examples folder, you can find some examples of applications.

In this example, you will deploy an application that performs AI completion and return information about a known person.

  1. Export two environment variables containing the OpenAI URL and access key:
export OPEN_AI_URL=xx
export OPEN_AI_PROVIDER=openai

if you are using Azure Open AI then set OPEN_AI_PROVIDER to azure

export OPEN_AI_PROVIDER=azure

The values for OPEN_AI_EMBEDDINGS_MODEL and OPEN_AI_CHAT_COMPLETIONS_MODEL depend on your OpenAI environment. On Azure they must match the names of the deployments you created in the Azure portal.

The secrets.yaml file contains many placeholders that refer to those environment variables. You can either export them or replace them with the actual values.

2. Deploy the `openai-completions` application

./bin/langstream apps deploy openai-completions -app examples/applications/openai-completions -i examples/instances/kafka-kubernetes.yaml -s examples/secrets/secrets.yaml ./bin/langstream apps get openai-completions

Check your k8s cluster with `k9s -A` or run `./bin/langstream apps get openai-completions` until the app is deployed.

Test the AI completion using the API gateway. The LangStream CLI provides a convenient chat command to test the application:

./bin/langstream gateway chat openai-completions -cg consume-output -pg produce-input -p sessionId=$(uuidgen)

## Install Kubernetes Environment on MacOS

### Minikube

To install Minikube on MacOS:

1. Install Homebrew.

   If you haven't installed Homebrew yet, use the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

2. Update Homebrew.

   It's a good practice to ensure you get the latest packages.

brew update

3. Install Minikube.

   Use the following command to install MiniKube.

brew install minikube

4. Install a Hypervisor

Minikube requires a hypervisor to create a virtual machine where the Kubernetes cluster will run. 
Here's how to install HyperKit, which is recommended for macOS:

brew install hyperkit

After installation, set Minikube to use HyperKit and 4 CPUs:

minikube config set driver hyperkit minikube config set cpus 4

5. Start Minikube:

To start your local Kubernetes cluster:

minikube start

For additional information on installing minikube or installing in other environments, 
see this [page](https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/).

If you no longer need Minikube, you
can stop (`minikube stop`) and delete the cluster (`minikube delete`).

#### Kubectl

To install kubectl, use the following command:

brew install kubectl

For additional information on installing kubectl or installing in other environments, 
see this [page](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl).

#### Helm

To install Helm, use the following command:

brew install helm

For additional information on installing Helm or installing in other environments, 
see this [page](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/).
## Development

- Minikube
- kubectl
- Helm
- Docker
- Java 17

### Start minikube

minikube start

### Build docker images and deploy all the components


The above command will automatically start the port-forward for the LangStream control plane and the API Gateway.

### Deploying to GKE or similar K8s test cluster

Instead of `minio-dev.yaml` use the `helm/examples/minio-gke.yaml` file:

kubectl apply -f helm/examples/minio-gke.yaml

### Deploying to a Persistent Cluster

TODO: instructions on configuring with S3.