
R package to the TB Portals Analytic API for easy retrieval of information from TB DEPOT.

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tbportals.depot.api R package aims to provide a convenient wrapper functionality in R to the TB Portals Analytic API containing the tidy analytic data from TB Portals DEPOT database. For more information about TB Portals, check out the TB Portals website.


# Install development version from GitHub


Please see Article, Setting up connection to API, before following along with the code example below as it assumes you have saved your credentials locally which are required for interacting with the API.

This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem of pulling all the data from an endpoint (for other end points check out link:


# Generate Token using your locally saved credentials (see article for how to set up)
TOKEN <- get_token()

# Pull the patient case data and explore some aspects of the publicly available cases
patient_cases <- tidy_depot_api(path = "Patient-Case", token = TOKEN)

Now that patient case data has been pulled, let’s explore structure of the resulting data. The request is returned as its own class with the structured data from the API call in the “content”, the endpoint url in the “path”, and the actually http response in the “response”.

# Dimensions of the resulting JSON data from the API call
patient_cases$content %>% dim()
#> [1] 6853  205

# End point used for the API call
#> [1] "Patient-Case"

# The httr response content containing the specific information about the call
#> Response [https://analytic.tbportals.niaid.nih.gov/api/Patient-Case?returnCsv=false&cohortId=]
#>   Date: 2022-03-28 19:21
#>   Status: 200
#>   Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
#>   Size: 53.2 MB

Let’s explore some aspects of the patient cases stratifying by the type of drug resistance associated with the case to get a sense of the number of publicly shared data available.

# Store data.frame of patient case characteristics
patient_cases_df <- patient_cases$content

# Select attributes of interest
patient_cases_df %<>%
  select(condition_id, patient_id, age_of_onset, gender, bmi, case_definition, type_of_resistance)

# Summarise number of conditions by patient_id
patient_cases_df %<>%
  group_by(patient_id) %>%
  mutate(num_conditions = n_distinct(condition_id)) %>%
  select(-condition_id) %>%
  distinct() %>%

# Patient counts by type of resistance and other case characteristics
tableby(type_of_resistance ~ age_of_onset + gender + bmi + case_definition, data = patient_cases_df) %>%
MDR non XDR (N=3030) Mono DR (N=507) Poly DR (N=199) Pre-XDR (N=141) Sensitive (N=1963) XDR (N=1013) Total (N=6853) p value
age_of_onset < 0.001
   Mean (SD) 41.267 (13.320) 41.690 (15.113) 42.231 (14.784) 43.809 (13.441) 43.364 (15.492) 41.609 (12.865) 42.030 (14.119)
   Range 3.000 - 86.000 7.000 - 87.000 18.000 - 93.000 17.000 - 90.000 2.000 - 89.000 15.000 - 84.000 2.000 - 93.000
gender 0.242
   Female 788 (26.0%) 147 (29.0%) 61 (30.7%) 29 (20.6%) 534 (27.2%) 267 (26.4%) 1826 (26.6%)
   Male 2242 (74.0%) 360 (71.0%) 138 (69.3%) 112 (79.4%) 1429 (72.8%) 746 (73.6%) 5027 (73.4%)
bmi 0.056
   N-Miss 414 160 82 3 900 69 1628
   Mean (SD) 20.653 (3.774) 20.807 (4.347) 20.375 (3.844) 20.325 (4.327) 21.003 (3.691) 20.573 (3.587) 20.705 (3.784)
   Range 10.400 - 83.900 11.000 - 61.100 13.400 - 40.700 12.100 - 35.400 11.700 - 36.500 11.800 - 38.600 10.400 - 83.900
case_definition < 0.001
   Chronic TB 72 (2.4%) 1 (0.2%) 0 (0.0%) 30 (21.3%) 2 (0.1%) 60 (5.9%) 165 (2.4%)
   Failure 307 (10.1%) 30 (5.9%) 9 (4.5%) 3 (2.1%) 30 (1.5%) 293 (28.9%) 672 (9.8%)
   Lost to follow up 229 (7.6%) 15 (3.0%) 14 (7.0%) 7 (5.0%) 45 (2.3%) 62 (6.1%) 372 (5.4%)
   New 1635 (54.0%) 381 (75.1%) 145 (72.9%) 67 (47.5%) 1640 (83.5%) 276 (27.2%) 4144 (60.5%)
   Other 63 (2.1%) 7 (1.4%) 6 (3.0%) 3 (2.1%) 25 (1.3%) 46 (4.5%) 150 (2.2%)
   Relapse 723 (23.9%) 71 (14.0%) 24 (12.1%) 31 (22.0%) 219 (11.2%) 275 (27.1%) 1343 (19.6%)
   Unknown 1 (0.0%) 2 (0.4%) 1 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (0.1%) 1 (0.1%) 7 (0.1%)

If interested in other available endpoints, you can use the list_endpoints function for a data.frame of currently available endpoints.

# This function lists endpoints as a data.frame along with a brief description. 
# To show it in this markdown file, we add knitr::kable()
endpoint description
Biochemistry Laboratory and biochemistry records information
CT Computed Tomagraphy records information
CT-Annotation Computed Tomagraphy records radiologist annotations
CXR Chest X ray records information
CXR-Manual-Annotation Chest X ray records radiologist annotations
CXR-Qure-Annotation Chest X ray records Qure AI algorithm annotations
DST Drug sensitivity testing results records
Genomics Pathogen genomics records information
Patient-Case Patient case record information
Specimen Specimen record information
Treatment-Regimen Treatment and regimen record information