
A Danger plugin for SwifLlint.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Danger SwiftLint

A Danger plugin for SwiftLint that runs on macOS.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'danger-swiftlint'

SwiftLint also needs to be installed before you run Danger, which you can do via Homebrew or a Brewfile.


The easiest way to use is just add this to your Dangerfile:


That's going to lint all your Swift files. It would be better to only lint the changed or added ones, which is complicated due. Check out this issue for more details.

swiftlint.config_file = '.swiftlint.yml'
swiftlint.binary_path = '/path/to/swiftlint'

If you want the lint result shows in diff instead of comment, you can use inline_mode option. Violations that out of the diff will show in danger's fail or warn section.

swiftlint.lint_files inline_mode: true

You can use the SWIFTLINT_VERSION environment variable to override the default version installed via the rake install task.


Original structure, sequence, and organization of repo taken from danger-prose by David Grandinetti.
