
An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify styles for individual components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ember-component-css Build Status Ember Observer Score

An Ember CLI addon which allows you to specify component-specific style sheets in an app, addon, engine, or in-repo addon.

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open up a pull request or issue, and join the #e-component-css channel in the Ember Slack community if you have further questions, concerns, or ideas. Thanks! 😄


ember install ember-component-css


Rules defined in the style-sheets will automatically be namespaced with an autogenerated class. That autogenerated class will also be injected into your component's classNames property. This enables you to worry less about rules clashing across component styles.

For example, given this app/my-component/styles.scss file for 'pods',

or this app/styles/component-styles/my-component.scss file for 'classic':

& {  // ampersand refers to the component itself (parent selector)
  padding: 2px;
.urgent {
  color: red;

  span {
    text-decoration: underline;

Your generated CSS output will look something like:

.__my-component__a34fba {
  padding: 2px;
.__my-component__a34fba .urgent {
  color: red;
.__my-component__a34fba .urgent span {
  text-decoration: underline;

A typical component invocation that looks like this:


will generated markup like:

<div class="__my-component__a34fba"></div>


To use this addon you MUST, import pod-styles into your base stylesheet.

// app/styles/app.scss
@import "pod-styles";
// app/styles/app.less
@import "pod-styles";
// app/styles/app.styl
@import 'pod-styles'
/* app/styles/app.css */
@import "pod-styles.css";

And that is it! The pod-styles file is generated during the build and will then be pulled into your other stylesheet to be processed like normal.

Note: If you are using more than one type of component style files (ie a .less file and a .scss file) then you will need to add the extension to the @import. Otherwise the extension can be left off.

Usage with pods structure

To use this with pods, you just need to include a style file in your component pods directory alongside your template.hbs or component.js files.

Usage with routes

To use this with routes you need to use pods for the routes and modify the application.hbs template a little bit. Let's assume your application.hbs template looks like this:


To be able to use this for routes, you need to add a wrapping div around the outlet:

<div class={{routeStyleNamespaceClassSet}}>

After that it's quite easy: add a style file in your route directory alongside your route.js or template.hbs files.

An individual controller also has access to a styleNamespace property that is the namespace for a given route. This can be used for various use cases. (like enabling BEM style similar to how the styleNamespace is used in a component)

Usage with classic (non pod) structure

You can use classic Ember app structure by placing component styles in app/styles/component-styles. Name your style files after the component name, for example my-component.scss. The directory where styles are fetched from can be configured as shown below. It's possible to use a mixture of classic and pod structured styles in the same app, if you use both styles for the same component both are included but the pod style will take precedence.

Use in addons

In order to use this inside of an addon, you need to add your style files inside of the components in the addon directory. You will then be able to import the 'pod-styles' file inside of your addon style file which is in the /addon/styles directory. These styles will then be added to the vendor.css file like normal.

If you are using classic (non pod) structure, your addon directory structure might look like:

│   index.js
│   ... etc
│   └───components
│       │   yourAddonComponent.js
│   └───templates
│       │   yourAddonComponent.hbs
│   └───styles
│       │   addon.scss (includes the 'pod-styles' import)
│       └───component-styles (this dir name is configurable)
│           │   yourAddonComponent.scss
        │   yourAddonComponent.js

If you are extending the include method in your addon, please make sure you call the super like this

  included: function(app) {
    this._super.included.apply(this, arguments);

Finally, be sure "ember-component-css" is listed under the "dependencies" key of your addon's package.json file, rather than "devDependencies".

Plain css usage

In order to use this with plain css files, you need to install ember-cli-postcss and configure it with postcss-import.

ember install ember-component-css
ember install ember-cli-postcss
npm install postcss-import --save-dev

Then in your ember-cli-build.js you can configure it as such.

var EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');
var CssImport = require('postcss-import');

module.exports = function(defaults) {
  var app = new EmberAddon(defaults, {
    postcssOptions: {
      compile: {
        enabled: true,
        plugins: [{
          module: CssImport,

  return app.toTree();

You can also add in postcss-cssnext or any other postcss plugins in this way too.

Things like ember-cli-autoprefixer will work out of the box and do not need to be added in as a postcss plugin.

Getting the generated class name

You also have access to the generated class name to use in your templates. There is a computed property styleNamespace This can be used to pass the class name to things like ember-wormhole or for use in BEM style classnames. An example of BEM usage would be


<button class="{{styleNamespace}}__button">
  Normal button
<button class="{{styleNamespace}}__button {{styleNamespace}}__button--state-success">
	Success button
<button class="{{styleNamespace}}__button {{styleNamespace}}__button--state-danger">
	Danger button


&__button {
  display: inline-block;
  border-radius: 3px;
  padding: 7px 12px;
  border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
  background-image: linear-gradient(#EEE, #DDD);
  font: 700 13px/18px Helvetica, arial;

  &--state-success {
    color: #FFF;
    background: #569E3D linear-gradient(#79D858, #569E3D) repeat-x;
    border-color: #4A993E;

  &--state-danger {
    color: #900;

componentCssClassName will be officially deprecated, then removed in future versions. Will be migrating to the more appropriately named styleNamespace

Using the generated class name in classNameBindings

You can build your own computed properties on top of styleNamespace. One use case is using it to build a classNameBinding:


classNameBindings: ['customBinding'],
  stateProperty: false,
  customBinding: computed('styleNamespace', 'stateProperty', function() {
    if (this.get('stateProperty') {
      return `${this.get('styleNamespace')}--state`;
    } else {
      return '';


& {
  background: blue;
&--state {
  background: red;

Special Tag-less components

On the special cases of tag-less components (this functionality is used putting a tagName: '' value in the component), the styles are not attached to the DOM, as this addon needs a tag to attach the generated class name. In those special cases, you can use the styleNamespace* classname if you want to attach to a another element in the application (or more coherently inside the tag-less component).


You can set the following configuration options in your config/environment.js file:

ENV['ember-component-css'] = {
  option: 'value'


Defaults to true. Set this option to false to disable the namespacing feature of Ember Component CSS.

ENV['ember-component-css'] = {
  namespacing: false

This changes the default behavior in two ways:

  1. The autogenerated component class is no longer added to your component's HTML
  2. Your pod CSS files are no longer namespaced using the autogenerated component class.


Defaults to component-styles. Set this to the directory where your classically structured styles live (within /app/styles). For example:

ENV['ember-component-css'] = {
  classicStyleDir: 'my-styles'

CSS is hard - EmberConf 2015