
tortoise environment monitoring with Raspberry Pi

Primary LanguagePython


Tortoise environment monitoring with a Raspberry Pi. You can see the result at http://tortoise.biff.org.uk

  • create_rrd.py - create empty RRD database files
  • crontab - entries to run regular tasks
  • do_webcam - grab a webcam image and put it into the web directory
  • fix_uvcvideo_module - ensure video module is correctly set up
  • graph.py - poll sensors, update RRD files and update RRD graphs
  • lcd_temps.py - main script; poll sensors and update display
  • message2.py - LCD display library from Matt Hawkins


Beware of the GPIO pin changes between revision 1 and revision 2 Raspberry Pi boards! These scripts are for r2. http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals#General_Purpose_Input.2FOutput_.28GPIO.29

To install software prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install apache2 fswebcam python-rrdtool

To get the 1-wire/GPIO interface working, recent Raspbian images might need


adding to /boot/config.txt

BRANCH=next firmware used to be necessary; see: raspberrypi/linux#470 and raspberrypi/linux#552 but the important USB fix should now be in the main kernel (so do "sudo rpi-update"): raspberrypi/linux#548 (comment)

To do

  • refactor the code duplication between lcd_temps.py and update_rrd.py