
The samples contained in this repo are used to present an end-to-end demo scenario based on a fictitious B2B and multitenant system, named “HealthClinic.biz” that provides different websites, mobile apps, desktop apps, wearable apps, and services running on the latest Microsoft and open technologies aligned with announcements to showcase during the Connect(); 2015 event.The current published version works with Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC bits and ASP.NET 5.0 Beta 8. The final version used at Connect(); 2015 will be published soon.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


During Connect(); //2015 we showcased many technologies available to you as a developer across Azure, Office, Windows, Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services. We’ve also heard from you that you love to have real-world applications through which you can directly experience what’s possible using those technologies. This year, then, we built out a full health and technology scenario for our Connect(); //2015 demos and are delighted to share all the source code with you.

HealthClinic.biz is a fictitious regular doctor practice specialized in offering healthcare preventive care. This clinic is using different Microsoft and multi-channel apps built with Visual Studio 2015 to grow their business and modernize their customer experience. They also innovate and offer multiple apps and services—including websites, mobile apps, and wearable apps—to empower their patient’s well-being with easy access to manage their healthcare data and stay healthy.


This project uses some third-party assets with a license that requires attribution:

For extra information about licenses, you can see it at the dependency repositories.


How to sign up for Microsoft Azure#

You need an Azure account to work with this demo code. You can:

  • Open an Azure account for free.Azure subscription. You get credits that can be used to try out paid Azure services. Even after the credits are used up, you can keep the account and use free Azure services and features, such as the Web Apps feature in Azure App Service.
  • Activate Visual Studio subscriber benefits. Your Visual Studio subscription gives you credits every month that you can use for paid Azure services.
  • Not a Visual Studio subscriber? Get a $25 monthly Azure credit by joining Visual Studio Dev Essentials.

Please see our WIKI for detailed Azure deployment instructions for this demo scenario.

Blogs posts

Here's links to blog posts related to this project:


These samples and templates are all licensed under the MIT license. See the license.txt file in the root.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.