
Python API for smart-contracts and revm

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Python smart-contract API and blazingly fast (embedded) Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

DEPRECATED see Simular

How is this different than Brownie, Ganache, Anvil?

  • It's only an EVM, no blocks or minings
  • No HTTP/JSON-RPC. You talk directly to the EVM (and it's fast)
  • Provides low-level access to storage
  • You can still do all the ethereum stuff: account transfers, contract interaction, etc...
  • Fork and interact with main chain historical data (coming soon...)

The primary motivation for this work was to be able to model smart-contract interaction in an Agent Based Modeling environment like Mesa. To do that, we needed a fast, flexible, EVM with a Python API.

Standing on the shoulders of giants

Thanks to the following projects for making this work easy!

Get Started

  • You need Rust, Python/Poetry. Will be available on PyPi soon.
  • Run make build
  • See revm_py/__init__.py for the main python api


Deploy and interact with the classic counter smart contract

    # load contract abi
    with open("./tests/fixtures/counter.json") as f:
        counterabi = f.read()
    # create the EVM client
    client = Revm()

    # Create 2 accounts and fund them with 2 ether
    [deployer, alice] = client.create_accounts_with_balance(2, 2)

    # Create and instance of the contract and deploy it to the EVM
    counter = Contract(client, counterabi)
    address = counter.deploy(deployer)
    assert is_address(counter.address)

    # Contract functions are dynamically built from the ABI and
    # attached to the 'Contract.
    # Call the 'setNumber' function from the contract
    # Alice is the 'from' address...setting the number to 10
    counter.setNumber(10, caller=alice)

    # Now call the 'number' function in the contract to 
    # check the state of the contract
    result = counter.number()
    assert result == 10

What's next

  • Mesa examples
  • Fork chain support