

  • Click the Use this template green button in the top-right of the repo
  • Create a new PRIVATE repository from this template
  • Add user davechurchill and arash-sadeghi as collaborators (Settings > Manage Access > Add People)
  • Submit the URL to your new repo via the Project - GitHub Repo URL D2L assignment dropbox
  • Click the pencil icon in the top-right of this section to edit straight from the GitHub website
  • Edit your file to include your group info, and remove this instruction section

Project Group Members:

  • Group Member Name 1 (Student ID #, email)
  • Group Member Name 2 (Student ID #, email)
  • Group Member Name 3 (Student ID #, email)
  • Group Member Name 4 (Student ID #, email)

Project Videos:

  • Project Demo: YouTube URL
  • Project Trailer: YouTube URL
  • Project Presentation: YouTube URL

Project Setup / Installation:

  • Your project setup and installation instructions go here
  • Feel free to include screenshots if you want