
CWaggle Robot Simulator

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


CWaggle Robot Simulator

CWaggle requires the SFML library: https://www.sfml-dev.org/

Run make from the cwaggle root directory to build 3 demo executables in the cwaggle/bin directory:

  • cwaggle_example - drag circles / lines around to demonstrate physics
  • cwaggle_orbital - demo of Andrew Vardy's orbital construction algorithm
  • cwaggle_rl - demo of our reinforcement learning orbital construction algorithm

Run either program to see a demo of the cwaggle system

If you want to run the make command from the cwaggle/bin directory, you can type make -C .. to specify that the Makefile is one directory up from the current location

Inspired by the JS Robot simulator 'Waggle' by Andrew Vardy