
A simple CHIP-8 Emulator in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A simple CHIP-8 Emulator for macOS written in Swift.



This macOS CHIP-8 emulator runs ROMs for the original CHIP-8 platform. It implements keyboard input, with the 16 CHIP-8 keys mapped 1, 2, 3, 4, q, w, e, r, a, s, d, f, z, x, c, v. It implements the CHIP-8's basic black and white graphics with some simple Core Graphics rectangle filles. And it implements the CHIP-8's ability to make a simple beep with the system beep. ROM files can be loaded using the File->Open menu item.


I used two main resources in developing this emulator:

Correctness & Source Code Notes

It runs PONG, MAZE, and most of the ROMs I've tried correctly. I have noticed a few minor issues in some ROMs but haven't had the time/interest to fix them. I wrote the main code in a few hours over a couple nights and it is not particularly elegant. It could use some sprucing up, but the main implementation of the virtual machine, Chip8.swift, is well commented.


Released under the MIT License (see LICENSE).