
Unix command to track and update (coming soon) multiple Git repositories in parallel

Primary LanguageShell


A simple script to track and update multiple Git repositories in parallel using the terminal.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. From the terminal, go to the root directory of this repository
  3. Run the install script and follow the prompts

sudo privileges may be required to copy the script into /usr/local/bin/. If so, run the install script with sudo.


Add a repository to montitor

cd {directory of Git repository}
polygit add

You can add as many repositories as you want.

Note: Limits have not yet been explored.

View list of monitored repositories

polygit list

View status of all monitored repositories in their current branches

polygit status

Sample Output:

                     REPO|	                CURRENT BRANCH|	STATUS
               weatherbox|	            feature/support-SI|	UP TO DATE
           blacksmith-jam|	   feature/weapon-enhancements|	AHEAD
            notetaker-ios|	         feature/refactor-code|	UP TO DATE
        notetaker-android|	      feature/add-new-bookmark|	DIVERGED
            credit-report|	       bugfix/validate-account|	BEHIND

Remove all repositories from montiroing

polygit reset